Choose an Outdoor Clothes Dryer to Save Money and Have Fresh Laundry

If you’re looking for an economical and eco-friendly way to dry your laundry then consider the benefits of an outdoor clothes dryer. Not only do you get the benefits of fresh air and a scent that you cannot get out of an electric washer but you are helping the environment and finding a way to be cost efficient. With people looking to save money in today’s economy, it only makes sense to use what nature gave us and drying your laundry outside is a start to becoming more self-sustainable. It doesn’t use electricity and you won’t get extra costs added to your power bill.

You will find that you will enjoy the benefits of a Laundry Dome. This innovative product allows your laundry to dry in what is known as a greenhouse effect. You won’t have to worry about drying your clothes outdoors any longer and having to worry about rain or debris. The Laundry Dome allows daylight radiation to make the temperature increase inside of it. It doesn’t even matter if it’s cloudy outside; it still works to dry your clothes in a way that costs less and keeps your home environmentally friendly. This is the perfect way to get your clothes clean and fresh without having to use any electricity at all in order to get them dry.

Just think, whether it’s on your back porch or out in the yard, you get laundry that dries faster outside when a scent that can’t be beat and best of all, the drying power of the sunshine costs you nothing to use.

When you’re ready to get started just contact us for all of the details on how we can help.

Posted by Scooby November 01, 2012 at 3:52 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

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