How Often Do You Need to Replace Your Pillow?

Most of us don’t give much thought to our pillows, which is no doubt a little odd. After all, we spend up to one-third of our lives with our faces and heads touching our pillows. Yet, somehow we forget about them. As it turns out, this is not a good thing. Some experts believe that you should replace your pillow every six months. The reason is that the longer you keep your pillow, the more problems can pop up.

Sending that Old Pillow on its Way

Old pillows are known to be a source of allergies and acne, but the problem can go even deeper. Oftentimes that old beloved pillow you just can’t seem to part with is loaded with harmful bacteria. Oil, sweat and bacteria from your body and dead skin cells all combine in your pillow, and that can be very problematic. Then there is the issue of dust mites that just love old pillows.Bicycle and brown suitcase with picnic set

Additionally, no pillow is indestructible. That means after years of use, your pillow will start to lose its shape and fluffiness. If you feel as though your old pillow isn’t providing you with enough head support anymore, you are probably right. An old pillow just doesn’t have the structural integrity to provide your neck and head with quality support.

We don’t think about our pillows too often, but they take a pounding each and every night. Should you replace your old germ soaked pillow with a new one? The answer is a big, “Yes!” You may not feel that it is practical or economical to buy a new pillow every six months, but experts agree that should switch to a new pillow every two years at the latest.

Taking Action

Now that it is clear that you should replace your old pillows, what is the next step? There are plenty of pillow options on the market, but they are not all created equally.

The good news is that everyone uses pillows. That means there are plenty of pillow manufacturers and plenty of options. The trick, of course, is to find a pillow that doesn’t just help you get a great night’s sleep, but is also a healthy and chemical free choice.

The Advantages of Organic Wool

Laying in bedIf you are looking for a very healthy pillow option, it is tough to beat an organic wool pillow. Organic wool is not treated with any chemicals, which helps make it a very good choice for those with chemical sensitivities, allergy problems or for anyone just looking for a healthy pillow. Some organic wool pillows, such as Holy Lamb Organic pillows, not only use organic wool batting, but also have organic cotton covers.

The benefits of wool bedding, in general, is quite impressive. Wool is, of course, all natural and sustainable, but it is also resistant to dust mites. Many people are also surprised to learn that wool has natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. When all of these benefits combine with wool’s added ability to maintain its shape, you have a pretty great pillow that will be comfortable and durable.

What if You Love Memory Foam?

Many people have become addicted to space-age memory foam pillows and love the way that a memory foam can cradle the body. It is important to remember that memory foam pillows are essentially big balls of chemicals. But there are excellent, chemical free and safe pillow alternatives available.

A natural latex pillow provides many of the benefits and general feel of a chemical based memory foam pillow. There are many options for natural latex pillows such as a wool wrapped pillow. This clever pillow option wraps a natural latex core with all natural wool for a one-two knockout punch that leaves most chemical memory foam users out in the cold.
There are also natural latex pillows that come covered with organic pillowcases.

Natural latex pillows are resistant to dust mites and mildew. Plus they are hypo allergenic and anti-microbial. If you are looking for a pillow that will resist the growth of bacteria, then the natural latex pillow is a winner.

Keep Your Sleep Environment as Healthy as Possible

Replacing your pillow preferably every six months and definitely within every two years is a must for maintaining a healthy sleep environment. Selecting the right replacement pillow is another key step in boosting the quality of your bedding. A wool pillow, latex-wool combination pillow or latex pillow can provide you with a wide range of benefits, such as being resistant to bacterial growth, dust mites and more. That stated, it is very important to remember that even the very best pillow needs the right support to stay clean and functional for as long of a period of time as possible.

Pillow Maintenance Steps You Need to Know

81AohYKIWhL._SL1500_Your pillowcase is your first line of defense in keeping your pillow clean. If you want to reduce the amount of oil, bacteria and allergens from making their way into your pillow, then realize that there are many steps you can take. At the top of the list is placing a durable pillowcase on your pillow. Organic cotton pillowcases are a good choice as they are highly durable and free of chemicals.

Consider placing a pillow protector underneath your pillowcase. Pillow protectors have received a good deal of attention for their ability to help allergy sufferers. They provide a secondary line of defense for your pillow. Once properly zipped, these protectors will help keep everything from dust mites to oil and bacteria off of your pillow. Best of all a pillow protector stands as a very inexpensive way to protect your investment in your pillow.

Should you replace your pillow frequently? Yes, but you should also opt for a pillow that is as healthy as possible. A chemical free pillow is a worthwhile investment, but so are quality pillowcases and pillow protectors. Considering the amount of time that you spend sleeping with your pillow, doesn’t it only make sense that you create the best sleeping environment possible?

Posted by December 05, 2014 at 2:32 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

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