Category Archives: Clotheslines and Laundry

Benefits Of A Laundry Drying Rack
Posted by Tobin November 15, 2012 at 12:59 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

People are always looking for novel ways to save money. Today’s economy can be tough, so finding ways to save money any way possible could help out a lot in the future. One way people can cut down on their home costs is with a laundry drying rack. These racks can be purchased online and they offer numerous benefits. Some of the benefits include:

Hills Supa Fold Duo-fd45501

  • Lower Electric Bill. The obvious benefit to using a drying rack is that people can cut down on their electric bill. People will not have to use their dyer every week, which can be very expensive.
  • Better For Environment. Another added benefit to using a laundry rack is that it is better for the environment. When people use their dryer a lot, carbon emissions are put off into the air. This can be detrimental to the environment, so having a drying rack can cut down on these emissions.
  • Easy To Use. Sometimes dryers have a lot of features that make it hard to use. This is especially difficult for older people because they may not be the most technologically savvy. Having a drying rack on hand saves people this hassle because it is very simple. They can simple set their clothes on the rack and that’s it; they are done.
  • Saves Space. Another added benefit to using a drying rack is that they don’t take up a lot of space. They are very compact and fold up quickly, which allows people to store the rack in tight spaces. This is especially great for those who don’t have a laundry room in their house.

We would love to help you lower your electric bills and help the environment as well, so feel free to contact us today.

Retractable Clothesline: A Great Option For Your Big Family
Posted by Donald November 08, 2012 at 1:03 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

If you’re one of those families who has made the decision that “bigger is better” and the more love you have in your home, the happier you’ll be, good for you! Unfortunately, when you have a big family, you end up having big bills that go along with that.  We’re all about saving you money in one particular area that tends to drain your wallet quickly:  drying your clothes!  

There’s nothing better than putting on clothes that have been dried outside.  For your family, who undoubtedly has a large wardrobe, a retractable clothesline is a great alternative to using a dryer to dry your clothes.

Our retractable clothesline is much different from what you would consider a “traditional” clothesline.  With children, you don’t want to take up your entire backyard with an unattractive clothesline.  This gives you the ability to use the clothesline when you need it, and put it away when you don’t.  You can even dry your clothes inside if you need to.  That’s the beauty of the retractable clothesline.  It’s a convenient way for you to take advantage of the fresh air and it saves you money in the process.

A family can spend a lot of money a month in energy costs simply by running a dryer when they dry their clothes.  With growing children who have ever-changing needs, you can surely think of something else you’d rather spend your money on.  We’re here to help you do that.

Urban Clotheslines is your one-stop online store for all of your clothes-drying needs.  We’re committed to helping you save money and “go green” in this particular area of your life.  And with all of our versatile products, you’re bound to find one that’s the perfect fit for you.

To find out more about all of our incredible products, contact us!

Choose an Outdoor Clothes Dryer to Save Money and Have Fresh Laundry
Posted by Scooby November 01, 2012 at 3:52 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

If you’re looking for an economical and eco-friendly way to dry your laundry then consider the benefits of an outdoor clothes dryer. Not only do you get the benefits of fresh air and a scent that you cannot get out of an electric washer but you are helping the environment and finding a way to be cost efficient. With people looking to save money in today’s economy, it only makes sense to use what nature gave us and drying your laundry outside is a start to becoming more self-sustainable. It doesn’t use electricity and you won’t get extra costs added to your power bill.

You will find that you will enjoy the benefits of a Laundry Dome. This innovative product allows your laundry to dry in what is known as a greenhouse effect. You won’t have to worry about drying your clothes outdoors any longer and having to worry about rain or debris. The Laundry Dome allows daylight radiation to make the temperature increase inside of it. It doesn’t even matter if it’s cloudy outside; it still works to dry your clothes in a way that costs less and keeps your home environmentally friendly. This is the perfect way to get your clothes clean and fresh without having to use any electricity at all in order to get them dry.

Just think, whether it’s on your back porch or out in the yard, you get laundry that dries faster outside when a scent that can’t be beat and best of all, the drying power of the sunshine costs you nothing to use.

When you’re ready to get started just contact us for all of the details on how we can help.

Moerman Retractable Indoor Clothesline
Posted by Rita M October 27, 2012 at 7:51 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Me and my girlfriend live in a pretty packed apartment building. We live on the top floor and we’ve only got about 500 square feet to work with. The building has washing machines and dryers provided but, of course, they charge around $1.50 to wash or dry your clothes. The washers are decent, but the dryers are horrible. It takes at least three times through it to get anything dry enough to be considered, “Only slightly damp.” That usually comes out to about $6 per load, with around four or five loads a month. That’s somewhere between $24 and $30 a month.

Me, personally, I don’t like spending an extra $30 a month on things that I really don’t think I should have to. My girlfriend started using hangers to string up all of her wet clothes in the bathtub, but we always ran out of space and every time I went into the bathroom, these hooks would get caught on me.

Eventually I said, “Enough!” and we started looking into clothes lines that would work well for our apartment. We didn’t have a lot of space and the only place that we could really string it up would be over the bathtub, so none of the wooden expanding ones would really work and they weren’t big enough any ways. There were a few fancier models that we could have gotten, but the unit was big and we didn’t really need anything that complex.

I finally found the Moerman Retractable Indoor Clothesline from a site I found called It was pretty much exactly what we needed! It only cost us about $30, so it was a totally worthwhile investment considering we were spending about that much in a single month any ways.

If you’ve got a similar problem to me, you should check out the options they have at

Use A Clothesline And Avoid The Dryer For Your Vintage Clothing
Posted by Robin York October 13, 2012 at 3:36 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Laundromat DryersOne of the best ways we can reduce our carbon footprint, while still being able to dress in high quality clothes, is to shop in second-hand, thrift and vintage clothing stores.  When you explore these stores you will discover that most of the clothing has plenty of life still left in them. Recycling our clothes this way means a huge savings in money as well as a reduction in our impact on the global environment, especially when you consider new clothes being shipped from Asia.

There are a few things you may want to keep in mind as your learn the best ways to find the best deals.

Take Your Time

This is one of those times that you do not want to feel rushed because some special attention needs to be paid to finding the highest quality for the best price.  Finding that amazing designer jacket you have always wanted can feel as if you have discover a buried treasure or a vein of gold.

Remember Your Favorites

Keeping a notebook with a list of your favorite thrift store finds and their designers, will help when you are shopping in the future.  If that pair of GAP jeans you picked up for $5 fits perfectly, make a note to always check the jeans for that style and size.  You should also familiarize yourself with the days and times that your stores put out the new clothes so you will get the first pick of your favorites.

Learn To Recognize Quality

One of the best ways to determine the quality of a garment is to examine the stitching.  Gently tug at them to get a feel for their strength and density.  Many stitches will last longer then just a few. Check how the buttons, zippers and any decorations are attached. These very small details are the best clue to the overall quality.  

Once you have put together a great wardrobe, special attention needs to be paid toward the cleaning and care of your vintage clothes.  We highly recommend hand washing and line drying all of your pre-worn clothes to extend their life and provide them with the gentle handling they need. If you need a great clothesline that you can use inside your home, which will not take up a lot of space, contact us for every option in line drying available all on one easy to use website.

Use Clothes Drying Racks to Save Money
Posted by Martin M. October 10, 2012 at 3:05 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

moneyPeople are living in an economy that is tough. Everything is more expensive and it cost a lot more to live in today’s society. Since everything is so expensive, people are always looking to cut down on costs in order to save some money. One way that they can do this is by purchasing drying racks.

Drying racks are used to hang clothes in order for them to dry. This is great because it allows people to save money because they will not have to purchase a automated dryer. Dryers can be expensive and they can run up a person’s electric bill. This can be circumvented, however, by having drying racks.

Drying racks can be purchased online at affordable rates, which is great for people who want to save even more money in the long run. These racks come in many different shapes and sizes, which is great for those who want to customize their rack in order to stand out from the crowd.

These racks are easy to set up, and are a great cost-effective way to dry clothes. It may take a bit longer to dry the clothes out completely, but the long term costs make it a good alternative to an automated dryer. People can set these racks up anywhere in their house. These racks are also very compact, which makes them easy to store while they are not in use.

Another benefit to using drying racks is because they are better on the clothes. These racks won’t take out the color of the clothes, and the material will last throughout the years.

Again, these racks can save people money in the long run, and their electric bill won’t be as high as opposed to if they use an automated dryer. Today’s economy can be tough, and saving money by any means necessary makes life easier and less stressful. For more information contact us.

The Perfect Clothesline For Your Perfect Laundry
Posted by Robert Wilson October 04, 2012 at 4:10 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

There are so many choices of detergents, softeners, bleaches and more that it can leave you feeling confused about which products will best serve your unique laundry needs.  There are also many tips and tricks out there that promise to give you the sweet-smelling, bright white and softer laundry that we all want.  The laundry product manufacturers keep putting out “new and improved” solutions and we keep buying them. Maybe there is an easier, and more affordable way…

We are all probably guilty of thinking that adding more detergent to the wash will mean cleaner clothes.  While adding dish soap means more suds, adding extra laundry detergent can actually make things worse. Too much soap can wear out your clothes faster and it can also make your washing machine have to work harder which means a shorter life.  Here is a trick to knowing if you are overdoing it on the soap: check your lint trap.  There is a direct correlation between the amount of soap and the amount of lint.  If you are removing lint after every load then try reducing the amount of detergent you are using and you should see an immediate reduction in lint.

Have you noticed how some of our clothes can look washed out or dull?  Oftentimes the culprit is a hard water issue.  If you are like most of us you will throw all your colors and whites into one load now and then.  Unfortunately, the result can be dingy and drab looking laundry. The best brightening agent that we have found is common table salt.  It does not take much, just a big pinch in the wash water with your detergent, making sure to dissolve it as much as possible before adding your clothes, and the difference in the brightness of your colors will amaze you.

How many times have you purchased a fabric softener only to find the scent overpowering or not at all what you were hoping for?  Sometimes a great coupon will mean the difference between brand A and brand B in our house but that can mean some clothes feel less soft than others. The secret to perfectly soft clothes, with less static and for much less money is the humble, but oh so powerful, white vinegar.  Really.  Just a cup in the wash water (no waiting for the rinse cycle) will give you fabulous results.  It also reduces fading in darker clothing.

So, once you have achieved laundry nirvana, it is time to find the perfect clothesline which is another money saving laundry solution.  We all know the amount of energy required to power that dryer so it is only logical that we practice “dryerless” days as often as we can.  Here at Urban Clotheslines the choices of clotheslines are many and you are sure to find the perfect one for your unique space and situation. From rotary styles to retractable lines and from wall-mounted systems to indoor racks of all sizes, you will find the perfect solution to your indoor or outdoor drying needs. &nbs p;We would love to discuss the perfect clothesline for you so please contact us for more information.

A Retractable Clotheline Keeps Your Yard Looking Pretty
Posted by Brooke Mills October 02, 2012 at 9:00 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Hills Extenda 4 Retractable ClotheslineIf you have never experienced the smell of laundry dried outdoors you are really missing out. Not only is this an eco-friendly way of drying your laundry but it is cheaper and makes everything smell wonderful.

While you might be thinking that an outdoor clothesline will look unsightly there is a perfect solution – a retractable clothesline. What you get with a retractable clothesline is the ability to dry your laundry outdoors (or indoors, there are those that work inside too) and the ability to only use it when needed. These are excellent tools for not only being able to utilize more sustainable living but if you have guests over or simply don’t want to see the clothesline when it is not being used, you simply retract it. Then when you are ready for an inexpensive way to dry your clothes you just extend it out.

These clotheslines allow you to be less dependent on electricity and one of the best features is that you use it when you need to. Any other time you simple make sure it is retracted and no one has to know but you. You get the scent of fresh, sun-dried laundry that no laundry detergent can duplicate. This type of clothesline is also perfect for those in areas that lose power often. This can be because of storms, rolling blackouts and any time you don’t have power. For those that own a washing machine but not a dryer, this is ideal as well.

Have you ever had to take a large comforter or blanket to a commercial laundry service or use a laundry mat simply because something wouldn’t fit in the dryer? Now you no longer have to worry because an outdoor clothesline solves that problem and you only have to see it when you’re using it.

There are so many uses you can find for a clothes line and these are just a few of the reasons that should inspire you to check out the natural way of drying your clothes. Just contact us for more details when you are ready to save money and have natural smelling laundry without changing your yard’s appearance.

Tips on Using a Laundry Line Effectively
Posted by Bob Newell September 27, 2012 at 3:28 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

If you are considering drying your clothes the eco friendly way, there are a few tips you should consider. Drying clothes is one of the oldest routines we people have done, and our ancestors done it without using electrical help like we do now. We at Urban Clotheslines can help solve your laundry problems with are plethora of affordable laundry lines such as drying racks, rotary clotheslines and dozes of laundry accessories. Here’s how to dry your clothing effectively without wasting your energy on a dryer.

Hang Large Items First

Sheets, throws, and garments such as long dresses will need to be spread out on the clothesline or drying rack. Your laundry line should have enough space to section off your items. Try to double up any articles of clothing since this will only make the drying time longer. If your laundry line is outdoors, use more clothespins in case there are strong gusts of wind. If you have a small space, hang your clothes side by side and pin the corners to create more room.

Avoid Hanging Dark Colored Pieces in the Sun

Blacks, burgundies, and navy blues will fade from direct sunlight. It might be best to hang these up during alight or heavy overcast. You can always choose to purchase an indoor laundry line as well to avoid bright and sunny days. Clothing racks are small and simple and can fit in the corner of your laundry room with ease.

Do Not Hanging Clothes Outside if You Suffer from Allergies

If you have bad allergies, it’s a good idea to use an indoor laundry line. Pollen from flowers and trees can absorb into the fabric, not to mention any smoke from someone’s barbecue pit. This can especially happen on a windy day, so if you love drying clothes outside, avoid picking a day where there will be a breeze.

For more tips on using a laundry line, contact us. We’ll give you the lowdown of our products and tell you which type of line is best for your lifestyle.

The Romance of An Outdoor Clothesline
Posted by Rob Steward September 25, 2012 at 9:27 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Although many people still remember when their parents or grandparents had an outdoor clothes line in their back yard, most modern families rely on a standard electric clothes dryer to provide household residents with dry clothing and linens. The aroma of sun dried cotton sheets is a memory cherished by many adults, but most children these days have never known the pleasure of sleeping on them. Some strict homeowners associations even have policies against the use of back yard clothes lines.

As worldwide political and economic conditions become increasingly uncertain, more people are choosing to remain closer to home rathr than indulging in adventure and travel as leisure pursuits. Interest in lost home arts has revivied among people of all backgrounds. Soap-making, candle-making, spinning and creating home cleaning products from scratch are all routinely practiced in many modern households. Every now and then, you’ll even see a back yards full of freshly washed sheets billowing in the wind, and if you’ve ever slept on sheets like that, you’ll remember just how deep and restful that kind of sleep is, particularly on warm starry summer nights.

The people most likely to use a clothes linethese days are probably trying to cut energy costs and lessen their carbon footprints. It’s really no great sacrifice to have incredible smelling linens in clothing in return for using a few clothes pins on an outdoor drying line. Detergent companies have been trying for decades to create laundry soap and fabric softener that emulates the scent of sun dried clothing, but they’ve never come close to replicating it.

Modern humans are discovering that there are times when the old ways are still the best and that convenience is often not worth the sacrifice of quality of life. Those who are interested in adding the romance of freshly dried clothes and linens to their lives should contact us for more information about living an elegantly simple lifestyle.