How To Wash Your Down Comforter Yourself
Posted by November 20, 2014 at 8:00 AM under News and Events

Down comforters are precious and worth the cost but do you really have to dry clean them? According to Ashley Poskin, you don’t. Having your down comforter dry cleaned professionally can help you avoid the hazards of treating it too harshly or drying it insufficiently. However, the steps at Apartment Therapy show you how to wash your own down comforter while taking adequate care. If you have a great place to hang comforters or if your laundromat’s XL dryer is not too expensive for a long job, the method linked could save you money.
Get down.

How Front Loaders Clean Laundry
Posted by November 19, 2014 at 8:00 PM under News and Events

Have you ever wondered about how your washing machine gets clothes clean? How about a a front loading washer in particular? How do they use less water and soap but often work better? Mary Marlowe Leverette has taken the time to explain how front loaders get clothes clean with better efficiency. Laundry

SolaRoad: The Netherlands’ Solar Bike Path
Posted by November 19, 2014 at 6:50 AM under News and Events


Alternative power proudly goes where fume generating power cannot. SolaRoad is a bicycle path made of solar panels in Krommenie, Netherlands. The project is a space saver, using a road for two purposes and building solar infrastructure to serve the local neighborhood. This pilot project is 230 feet long and could later span the city.
Learn more at Inhabitat.

When Adopting Simplicity Doesn’t Look Simple
Posted by November 17, 2014 at 8:00 PM under News and Events

Adapting to a simpler lifestyle means change, which isn’t always easy, especially if you’re not sure where to start. At least you’re here; consider hanging your laundry to dry more often. At Be More with Less, Courtney Carver outlines five big areas where people have trouble adopting simplicity.
Clicking is simple.

DIY Reusable Heat Pack
Posted by November 17, 2014 at 10:50 AM under News and Events

You know those reusable heat packs full of beads that you put in the microwave or freezer and then lay over aching muscles? They are easy to make yourself. Just take a square foot of material from an old pillowcase, make a bag, fill it with rice, and sew it shut. There you have your made-in-America heat pack and you know what’s in it.
Details and ideas at Wellness Mama.

Scotland Is Surpassing Energy Needs With Wind
Posted by November 17, 2014 at 8:00 AM under News and Events

Offshore Wind Turbine, UK
We already know that wind power is the most efficient clothes dryer. Of course its more famous use at the moment is, well, everything. Especially since wind power generation is surpassing expectations across the pond. For instance, this October Scotland met 126% of its household power needs on wind alone.
Details are on Inhabitat with Beverly Mitchell.
Wind turbine is cut from a larger photo that is CC 2.0 by Rob Faulkner.