An Outdoor Clothes Line for Sustainable Living
Posted by Toby December 13, 2012 at 12:31 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Whether you are a doomsday prepper or just want to help take care of the environment, an outdoor clothes line is the perfect tool.

An outdoor clothes line allows you to dry your laundry without using electricity, dryer sheets, or anything else that isn’t the way Mother Nature intended it. 

Think of all of the benefits that you will gain from an outdoor clothes line. For one, your energy consumption will go down; a large portion of any energy bill comes from the use of a dryer. Another reason to choose a more eco-friendly way of drying your clothes is because they will simply last longer. The next time you use your clothes dryer check your lint tray. Now, where do you think that lint comes from? Another reason to go the natural way of drying laundry is the fresh air itself. Your clothing, sheets, towels and everything you typically dry in a clothes dryer will smell fresher and cleaner without the use of dryer sheets. In fact, there is no substitution for the scent you get from the great outdoors. On top of all of that, you have the ability of dry your laundry without electricity and this is a perfect option for those that want to be a part of sustainable living. 

So whether you are preparing for an apocalyptic event or simply want to slow down on your energy consumption, an outdoor clothes line allows you a world of positive benefits. If you are ready to learn more on sustainable living simply contact us for more details on how to get started.

Use An Indoor Clothesline In Winter And Other Great Laundry Room Tips
Posted by Tom December 06, 2012 at 1:27 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Making the switch to an indoor clothesline during the winter months can be an annual event for some homes.  As we continue to try to find ways to pinch our laundry dollar and be environmentally friendly at the same time, there are a few other things that you can do today that involve little to no expense and will start giving you positive results immediately.

We have collected six ways that you might not have heard of before, that will help you make a real difference:

  • Make your own homemade laundry detergent.  This recipe we found online uses inexpensive, tried and true ingredients that even grandma would recommend.
  • Adding just 1/2 a cup of distilled, white vinegar to your rinse water helps remove any traces of detergent residue which can cause stiffness or create a reaction for sensitive individuals.
  • The best of our 100% natural cleaning product suggestions is the powerful little lemon, which when mixed with cream of tartar, makes an excellent stain treatment.  Add juice to the wash water to freshen, whiten and brighten your laundry.
  • A spray bottle of a half water/half white vinegar solution is also a great stain remover that only costs pennies to make and should be close at hand in every laundry room.
  • To make your ironing more efficient, place a large piece of aluminum foil between the ironing board and the cover.  It will help hold more heat and make for faster ironing.
  • It may be possible to avoid the added expense (and deeper carbon footprint) of dry cleaning by cleaning typical dry clean only items at home.  You may be able to use a mix of cold wash water and 3 or 4 tablespoons of baking soda instead of chemicals.  Make a light paste to test an inconspicuous spot first.

We hope that you will find these to be valuable and useful tips to remember as you try to find ways to thoroughly clean your clothes while not contributing to possible environmental damage. would like to invite you to contact us to find out more ways to do better laundry, even in these tough economic times, and still be kind to the planet.

How to Easily Use a Retractable Clothesline
Posted by Schmit November 29, 2012 at 12:32 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Are you thinking of saving money by hanging and drying your clothes instead of turning on the dryer? With a retractable clothesline, you can simply hang up your clothing and wait for them to air dry. This will save you money in the long run and it is actually very efficient. These types of clotheslines can be used indoors and outdoors and are quite easy to set up. Keep these tips in mind if you’re planning on purchasing a retractable clothesline for your future laundry use.

Pick the Ideal Location

Before setting up your new clothesline you will need to determine a great spot to put it. If you live in a stormy area, it is best to select a spot inside your home for your retractable clothesline. If you get seasonal weather, try to pick out a spot in your backyard that gets enough sunshine without too much shade. If you have a fence start the line from there to your home.

This is an excellent spot since all your clothes will dry as evenly as possible. You can adjust the line to a smaller area if you have less clothing to hang up. Remember to pick a space that is sturdy enough so it won’t fall down and the height should be right at the top of your head.

Use Dripping Water to Your Advantage

If you are using a retractable clothesline outdoors, you can set a few flower pots underneath your hanging clothes. The dripping water will provide moisture for your plants, so you are essentially killing two birds with one stone. You might want to avoid hanging the clothesline in an area that might track up mud and dirt on your porch or patio.

Steady the Mount

Once you have mounted your clothesline, it’s a good idea to check how sturdy it really is. Pull down on the line with your hand to see if it loosens the retractable clotheslines grip. If it does, you might need to hammer in a few extra nails to keep it from slipping down. These types of clothesline might need a little extra elbow grease after a months time of use so you should remount it whenever you think its losing its grip.

If you’re planning on using a retractable clothesline contact us. We’ll show you are wide selection of readily available retractable clotheslines.

Clothes Lines are Now a Thing of the Present
Posted by Toby November 21, 2012 at 1:02 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

When you think about clothes lines, if you’re old enough you probably picture your grandmother using one in the backyard. Maybe you’ve only seen them in older movies. However, clothes lines are definitely a thing of the future.

With hard economic times combined with people wanting a greener environment, clothes lines are the perfect option.  Not only can you save money but there are many added benefits to using Mother Nature to dry your laundry.

  • Fresher smelling. There’s nothing like laundry dried outdoors in the sunshine. Not only do you get a fresh scent without having to use laundry dryer sheets but the scent cannot be duplicated out of a box.
  • Lower costs. It doesn’t cost you a thing to dry your laundry on a clothes line. There’s no electricity to use with a dryer and you don’t have to worry about a high power bill due to a power-hungry electric dryer.
  • Better environmental benefits. One way you can help with your carbon footprint is to dry your laundry on a clothes line. You’re not using chemically treated dryer sheets, there’s less waste and you’re not using any electricity to dry the laundry.

No matter what the reason is for choosing a clothes line to dry your laundry, you will reap a multitude of benefits. You’re helping out the environment, lowering your costs and you will have the freshest smelling laundry around.

Benefits Of A Laundry Drying Rack
Posted by Tobin November 15, 2012 at 12:59 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

People are always looking for novel ways to save money. Today’s economy can be tough, so finding ways to save money any way possible could help out a lot in the future. One way people can cut down on their home costs is with a laundry drying rack. These racks can be purchased online and they offer numerous benefits. Some of the benefits include:

Hills Supa Fold Duo-fd45501

  • Lower Electric Bill. The obvious benefit to using a drying rack is that people can cut down on their electric bill. People will not have to use their dyer every week, which can be very expensive.
  • Better For Environment. Another added benefit to using a laundry rack is that it is better for the environment. When people use their dryer a lot, carbon emissions are put off into the air. This can be detrimental to the environment, so having a drying rack can cut down on these emissions.
  • Easy To Use. Sometimes dryers have a lot of features that make it hard to use. This is especially difficult for older people because they may not be the most technologically savvy. Having a drying rack on hand saves people this hassle because it is very simple. They can simple set their clothes on the rack and that’s it; they are done.
  • Saves Space. Another added benefit to using a drying rack is that they don’t take up a lot of space. They are very compact and fold up quickly, which allows people to store the rack in tight spaces. This is especially great for those who don’t have a laundry room in their house.

We would love to help you lower your electric bills and help the environment as well, so feel free to contact us today.

Retractable Clothesline: A Great Option For Your Big Family
Posted by Donald November 08, 2012 at 1:03 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

If you’re one of those families who has made the decision that “bigger is better” and the more love you have in your home, the happier you’ll be, good for you! Unfortunately, when you have a big family, you end up having big bills that go along with that.  We’re all about saving you money in one particular area that tends to drain your wallet quickly:  drying your clothes!  

There’s nothing better than putting on clothes that have been dried outside.  For your family, who undoubtedly has a large wardrobe, a retractable clothesline is a great alternative to using a dryer to dry your clothes.

Our retractable clothesline is much different from what you would consider a “traditional” clothesline.  With children, you don’t want to take up your entire backyard with an unattractive clothesline.  This gives you the ability to use the clothesline when you need it, and put it away when you don’t.  You can even dry your clothes inside if you need to.  That’s the beauty of the retractable clothesline.  It’s a convenient way for you to take advantage of the fresh air and it saves you money in the process.

A family can spend a lot of money a month in energy costs simply by running a dryer when they dry their clothes.  With growing children who have ever-changing needs, you can surely think of something else you’d rather spend your money on.  We’re here to help you do that.

Urban Clotheslines is your one-stop online store for all of your clothes-drying needs.  We’re committed to helping you save money and “go green” in this particular area of your life.  And with all of our versatile products, you’re bound to find one that’s the perfect fit for you.

To find out more about all of our incredible products, contact us!

Tips for drying your clothes outdoors
Posted by Reggie November 04, 2012 at 6:55 PM under Home Living Tips

The clothesline was a backyard staple for many years before the dryer became one of life’s greatest luxuries.  Now the dryer is one of life’s necessities.  But if you’re looking to reduce your electric bill and your carbon footprint, consider drying your clothes on a clothesline.  Here are some tips to drying your clothes outside.

Line Height

To maximize your clothesline usage, make sure your line is high enough off the ground to hold sheets and towels without touching the ground.  Approximately 5 ½’ off the ground is a good start.  You do not want it too far off the ground as this makes it difficult to reach for some people.  I will tell you in a minute another trick to keep your items from dragging the ground.


Make sure there is enough space for air to circulate freely around your clothes.  This allows for shorter drying times.  If you are using a terraced, single pole clothesline, consider drying clothes on one day, sheets and towels on a different day. 

Fabric Softener

Ok, I admit it.  I don’t like drying my clothes on the line because it feels like I’m wearing cardboard the next day.  By adding some fabric softener to your wash loads, your clothes will feel softer and smell fresher.  A quick snap or shake out of your clothes before hanging will also prevent as many wrinkles from forming. 

Clothes Pins

Find a medium sized container with a handle that will hold your clothes pins and allow them to be carried easier.  

When to hang your clothes

Try to have your clothes washed and on the line by noon.  This will allow for plenty of direct sun and warm circulating air.  Remove your clothes from the line before the sun goes down and the evening dampness sets in. 

When not to hang your clothes

Avoid hanging your clothes out to dry when humidity is high.  For all you smarty pants out there, I’m not talking about when it’s raining.  I am referring to the dog days of summer when the relative humidity hovers between 80-90%.  It will take a long time to dry and there is not a pleasant “fresh air” smell to your clothes.   

Last thoughts

To keep your long items from dragging the ground, consider an 8 foot long, 2”x2” post, available at any home improvement store or lumber store.  At the very end of the post, insert a screw or nail at a 45 degree angle.  When the weight on the clothesline causes your clothes to drag the ground, raise the line off the ground with your pole.

For fresh towels, consider a tablespoon of bleach in your wash cycle (hot water if they’re not colored towels).  The bleach, along with the direct sunlight, will kill the bacteria that causes them to smell.

Drying your clothes outdoors will give all of your clothes a cleaner, fresher smell, and prolong their life.  You can also reduce your electric bill in the process.  If you want to add a clothesline to your backyard, check out the options at or contact us at .

Choose an Outdoor Clothes Dryer to Save Money and Have Fresh Laundry
Posted by Scooby November 01, 2012 at 3:52 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

If you’re looking for an economical and eco-friendly way to dry your laundry then consider the benefits of an outdoor clothes dryer. Not only do you get the benefits of fresh air and a scent that you cannot get out of an electric washer but you are helping the environment and finding a way to be cost efficient. With people looking to save money in today’s economy, it only makes sense to use what nature gave us and drying your laundry outside is a start to becoming more self-sustainable. It doesn’t use electricity and you won’t get extra costs added to your power bill.

You will find that you will enjoy the benefits of a Laundry Dome. This innovative product allows your laundry to dry in what is known as a greenhouse effect. You won’t have to worry about drying your clothes outdoors any longer and having to worry about rain or debris. The Laundry Dome allows daylight radiation to make the temperature increase inside of it. It doesn’t even matter if it’s cloudy outside; it still works to dry your clothes in a way that costs less and keeps your home environmentally friendly. This is the perfect way to get your clothes clean and fresh without having to use any electricity at all in order to get them dry.

Just think, whether it’s on your back porch or out in the yard, you get laundry that dries faster outside when a scent that can’t be beat and best of all, the drying power of the sunshine costs you nothing to use.

When you’re ready to get started just contact us for all of the details on how we can help.

Moerman Retractable Indoor Clothesline
Posted by Rita M October 27, 2012 at 7:51 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Me and my girlfriend live in a pretty packed apartment building. We live on the top floor and we’ve only got about 500 square feet to work with. The building has washing machines and dryers provided but, of course, they charge around $1.50 to wash or dry your clothes. The washers are decent, but the dryers are horrible. It takes at least three times through it to get anything dry enough to be considered, “Only slightly damp.” That usually comes out to about $6 per load, with around four or five loads a month. That’s somewhere between $24 and $30 a month.

Me, personally, I don’t like spending an extra $30 a month on things that I really don’t think I should have to. My girlfriend started using hangers to string up all of her wet clothes in the bathtub, but we always ran out of space and every time I went into the bathroom, these hooks would get caught on me.

Eventually I said, “Enough!” and we started looking into clothes lines that would work well for our apartment. We didn’t have a lot of space and the only place that we could really string it up would be over the bathtub, so none of the wooden expanding ones would really work and they weren’t big enough any ways. There were a few fancier models that we could have gotten, but the unit was big and we didn’t really need anything that complex.

I finally found the Moerman Retractable Indoor Clothesline from a site I found called It was pretty much exactly what we needed! It only cost us about $30, so it was a totally worthwhile investment considering we were spending about that much in a single month any ways.

If you’ve got a similar problem to me, you should check out the options they have at

Use A Clothesline And Avoid The Dryer For Your Vintage Clothing
Posted by Robin York October 13, 2012 at 3:36 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry

Laundromat DryersOne of the best ways we can reduce our carbon footprint, while still being able to dress in high quality clothes, is to shop in second-hand, thrift and vintage clothing stores.  When you explore these stores you will discover that most of the clothing has plenty of life still left in them. Recycling our clothes this way means a huge savings in money as well as a reduction in our impact on the global environment, especially when you consider new clothes being shipped from Asia.

There are a few things you may want to keep in mind as your learn the best ways to find the best deals.

Take Your Time

This is one of those times that you do not want to feel rushed because some special attention needs to be paid to finding the highest quality for the best price.  Finding that amazing designer jacket you have always wanted can feel as if you have discover a buried treasure or a vein of gold.

Remember Your Favorites

Keeping a notebook with a list of your favorite thrift store finds and their designers, will help when you are shopping in the future.  If that pair of GAP jeans you picked up for $5 fits perfectly, make a note to always check the jeans for that style and size.  You should also familiarize yourself with the days and times that your stores put out the new clothes so you will get the first pick of your favorites.

Learn To Recognize Quality

One of the best ways to determine the quality of a garment is to examine the stitching.  Gently tug at them to get a feel for their strength and density.  Many stitches will last longer then just a few. Check how the buttons, zippers and any decorations are attached. These very small details are the best clue to the overall quality.  

Once you have put together a great wardrobe, special attention needs to be paid toward the cleaning and care of your vintage clothes.  We highly recommend hand washing and line drying all of your pre-worn clothes to extend their life and provide them with the gentle handling they need. If you need a great clothesline that you can use inside your home, which will not take up a lot of space, contact us for every option in line drying available all on one easy to use website.