Use Clothes Drying Racks to Save Money Posted by Martin M. → October 10, 2012 at 3:05 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry People are living in an economy that is tough. Everything is more expensive and it cost a lot more to live in today’s society. Since everything is so expensive, people are always looking to cut down on costs in order to save some money. One way that they can do this is by purchasing drying racks. Drying racks are used to hang clothes in order for them to dry. This is great because it allows people to save money because they will not have to purchase a automated dryer. Dryers can be expensive and they can run up a person’s electric bill. This can be circumvented, however, by having drying racks. Drying racks can be purchased online at affordable rates, which is great for people who want to save even more money in the long run. These racks come in many different shapes and sizes, which is great for those who want to customize their rack in order to stand out from the crowd. These racks are easy to set up, and are a great cost-effective way to dry clothes. It may take a bit longer to dry the clothes out completely, but the long term costs make it a good alternative to an automated dryer. People can set these racks up anywhere in their house. These racks are also very compact, which makes them easy to store while they are not in use. Another benefit to using drying racks is because they are better on the clothes. These racks won’t take out the color of the clothes, and the material will last throughout the years. Again, these racks can save people money in the long run, and their electric bill won’t be as high as opposed to if they use an automated dryer. Today’s economy can be tough, and saving money by any means necessary makes life easier and less stressful. For more information contact us. 0 Comments
The Perfect Clothesline For Your Perfect Laundry Posted by Robert Wilson → October 04, 2012 at 4:10 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry There are so many choices of detergents, softeners, bleaches and more that it can leave you feeling confused about which products will best serve your unique laundry needs. There are also many tips and tricks out there that promise to give you the sweet-smelling, bright white and softer laundry that we all want. The laundry product manufacturers keep putting out “new and improved” solutions and we keep buying them. Maybe there is an easier, and more affordable way… We are all probably guilty of thinking that adding more detergent to the wash will mean cleaner clothes. While adding dish soap means more suds, adding extra laundry detergent can actually make things worse. Too much soap can wear out your clothes faster and it can also make your washing machine have to work harder which means a shorter life. Here is a trick to knowing if you are overdoing it on the soap: check your lint trap. There is a direct correlation between the amount of soap and the amount of lint. If you are removing lint after every load then try reducing the amount of detergent you are using and you should see an immediate reduction in lint. Have you noticed how some of our clothes can look washed out or dull? Oftentimes the culprit is a hard water issue. If you are like most of us you will throw all your colors and whites into one load now and then. Unfortunately, the result can be dingy and drab looking laundry. The best brightening agent that we have found is common table salt. It does not take much, just a big pinch in the wash water with your detergent, making sure to dissolve it as much as possible before adding your clothes, and the difference in the brightness of your colors will amaze you. How many times have you purchased a fabric softener only to find the scent overpowering or not at all what you were hoping for? Sometimes a great coupon will mean the difference between brand A and brand B in our house but that can mean some clothes feel less soft than others. The secret to perfectly soft clothes, with less static and for much less money is the humble, but oh so powerful, white vinegar. Really. Just a cup in the wash water (no waiting for the rinse cycle) will give you fabulous results. It also reduces fading in darker clothing. So, once you have achieved laundry nirvana, it is time to find the perfect clothesline which is another money saving laundry solution. We all know the amount of energy required to power that dryer so it is only logical that we practice “dryerless” days as often as we can. Here at Urban Clotheslines the choices of clotheslines are many and you are sure to find the perfect one for your unique space and situation. From rotary styles to retractable lines and from wall-mounted systems to indoor racks of all sizes, you will find the perfect solution to your indoor or outdoor drying needs. &nbs p;We would love to discuss the perfect clothesline for you so please contact us for more information. 0 Comments
A Retractable Clotheline Keeps Your Yard Looking Pretty Posted by Brooke Mills → October 02, 2012 at 9:00 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry If you have never experienced the smell of laundry dried outdoors you are really missing out. Not only is this an eco-friendly way of drying your laundry but it is cheaper and makes everything smell wonderful. While you might be thinking that an outdoor clothesline will look unsightly there is a perfect solution – a retractable clothesline. What you get with a retractable clothesline is the ability to dry your laundry outdoors (or indoors, there are those that work inside too) and the ability to only use it when needed. These are excellent tools for not only being able to utilize more sustainable living but if you have guests over or simply don’t want to see the clothesline when it is not being used, you simply retract it. Then when you are ready for an inexpensive way to dry your clothes you just extend it out. These clotheslines allow you to be less dependent on electricity and one of the best features is that you use it when you need to. Any other time you simple make sure it is retracted and no one has to know but you. You get the scent of fresh, sun-dried laundry that no laundry detergent can duplicate. This type of clothesline is also perfect for those in areas that lose power often. This can be because of storms, rolling blackouts and any time you don’t have power. For those that own a washing machine but not a dryer, this is ideal as well. Have you ever had to take a large comforter or blanket to a commercial laundry service or use a laundry mat simply because something wouldn’t fit in the dryer? Now you no longer have to worry because an outdoor clothesline solves that problem and you only have to see it when you’re using it. There are so many uses you can find for a clothes line and these are just a few of the reasons that should inspire you to check out the natural way of drying your clothes. Just contact us for more details when you are ready to save money and have natural smelling laundry without changing your yard’s appearance. 0 Comments
Tips on Using a Laundry Line Effectively Posted by Bob Newell → September 27, 2012 at 3:28 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry If you are considering drying your clothes the eco friendly way, there are a few tips you should consider. Drying clothes is one of the oldest routines we people have done, and our ancestors done it without using electrical help like we do now. We at Urban Clotheslines can help solve your laundry problems with are plethora of affordable laundry lines such as drying racks, rotary clotheslines and dozes of laundry accessories. Here’s how to dry your clothing effectively without wasting your energy on a dryer. Hang Large Items First Sheets, throws, and garments such as long dresses will need to be spread out on the clothesline or drying rack. Your laundry line should have enough space to section off your items. Try to double up any articles of clothing since this will only make the drying time longer. If your laundry line is outdoors, use more clothespins in case there are strong gusts of wind. If you have a small space, hang your clothes side by side and pin the corners to create more room. Avoid Hanging Dark Colored Pieces in the Sun Blacks, burgundies, and navy blues will fade from direct sunlight. It might be best to hang these up during alight or heavy overcast. You can always choose to purchase an indoor laundry line as well to avoid bright and sunny days. Clothing racks are small and simple and can fit in the corner of your laundry room with ease. Do Not Hanging Clothes Outside if You Suffer from Allergies If you have bad allergies, it’s a good idea to use an indoor laundry line. Pollen from flowers and trees can absorb into the fabric, not to mention any smoke from someone’s barbecue pit. This can especially happen on a windy day, so if you love drying clothes outside, avoid picking a day where there will be a breeze. For more tips on using a laundry line, contact us. We’ll give you the lowdown of our products and tell you which type of line is best for your lifestyle. 0 Comments
The Romance of An Outdoor Clothesline Posted by Rob Steward → September 25, 2012 at 9:27 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry Although many people still remember when their parents or grandparents had an outdoor clothes line in their back yard, most modern families rely on a standard electric clothes dryer to provide household residents with dry clothing and linens. The aroma of sun dried cotton sheets is a memory cherished by many adults, but most children these days have never known the pleasure of sleeping on them. Some strict homeowners associations even have policies against the use of back yard clothes lines. As worldwide political and economic conditions become increasingly uncertain, more people are choosing to remain closer to home rathr than indulging in adventure and travel as leisure pursuits. Interest in lost home arts has revivied among people of all backgrounds. Soap-making, candle-making, spinning and creating home cleaning products from scratch are all routinely practiced in many modern households. Every now and then, you’ll even see a back yards full of freshly washed sheets billowing in the wind, and if you’ve ever slept on sheets like that, you’ll remember just how deep and restful that kind of sleep is, particularly on warm starry summer nights. The people most likely to use a clothes linethese days are probably trying to cut energy costs and lessen their carbon footprints. It’s really no great sacrifice to have incredible smelling linens in clothing in return for using a few clothes pins on an outdoor drying line. Detergent companies have been trying for decades to create laundry soap and fabric softener that emulates the scent of sun dried clothing, but they’ve never come close to replicating it. Modern humans are discovering that there are times when the old ways are still the best and that convenience is often not worth the sacrifice of quality of life. Those who are interested in adding the romance of freshly dried clothes and linens to their lives should contact us for more information about living an elegantly simple lifestyle. 0 Comments
Natural Ways to Clean Those Hard to Treat Stains Posted by Tobin Dimmitt → September 20, 2012 at 4:47 PM under Home Living Tips Whether you’re trying to go green by using more environmentally friendly products, or you’re trying to save money by not wasting cash on bottle after bottle of pricey stain remover from the grocery store, you’ll appreciate these natural ways to clean stains. Rubbing alcohol is great for pen ink stains and markers. You’ll want to blot or rub some on the item and let it sit for about 30 minutes to allow the alcohol to break down the fibers. Then toss in the washer. Mixing vinegar and baking soda (just like that homemade volcano you might have made in the third grade) will break down grease and oily stains. It will work well on arm pit stains and the ring around the neckline of a dress shirt as well. Mix them together and scrub onto the stain. Rinse and repeat until the stain is out, then toss in the washer for a normal cleaning. Hydrogen peroxide will work fantastically for pet stains, coffee, and tea and general stains. Simply put some in a spray bottle and spray when it’s needed. Blot with a cloth (preferably a micro fiber cloth), rinse and repeat until the stain is gone. Wash as usual. Ice cubes will work perfectly to remove gum and wax from clothes. The ice will harden the gum or ice, allowing you to simply pick them from the clothing. Once the hardened pieces are off, you can then use vinegar and baking soda as described above to remove any residual stains. Clotheslines in the sun are a great stain remover as well. The sun acts as a natural whitener, so putting your clothes out to the sun will keep your whites white and remove any small stains you may have. It’s important to remember to not dry the clothing until you have removed the stain. Drying will set the stain into the fibers of the fabric, making future stain removal extremely difficult, if not impossible. If you’re out in public and spill on your shirt, but don’t have these items handy, simply use any type of soap you can find (hand soap from the bathroom is fine), dab it on the stain and let it be. Don’t rub the stain as you might be rubbing it further into the fabric. For more information about clotheslines, please contact us today! 0 Comments
Thrift Shopping is Good for Your Wallet and the Environment Posted by Tobin Dimmitt → September 18, 2012 at 8:40 AM under Environment Shopping at thrift stores or consignment shops is a great way to save money and contribute to saving the environment at the same time. By purchasing second-hand clothing, you are recycling, thereby reducing the amount of waste in our landfills. Thrift stores usually get their clothing from donations, which is why they can sell these second-hand items at dirt cheap prices. When you buy from thrift stores you can save up to 70% or more on the retail purchase price of popular name brands. Many people who have never shopped at thrift stores may think that they are filled with a bunch of junk nobody else wants. However, that is far from the truth. In fact, you can find many brand name items in excellent condition. This is especially true for young children’s clothing: because they grow out of them so fast, some items barely get used. A few things to keep in mind There are some things that one should take into account when shopping for clothing at the thrift store. Remember to check garment labels for care instructions. If you know you don’t go to the dry cleaners much, stay away from clothes that need this type of care. Also check clothing for damage and stains. Some damage can be fixed like minor rips along seams, missing buttons and certain stains. In the case of more glaring problems, you should just leave it on the rack and move on. Realize that, because of the selection of clothing from a wide range of decades and an extensive choice of designers, sizes can vary significantly. Generally, items made today run larger than their vintage counterparts. Cleaning and Sanitizing Clothing Follow these instructions for cleaning and disinfecting washables the first time around: Wash, in hottest water suitable for fabric, with your favorite detergent. During the rinse cycle add one quarter to a half cup of vinegar to assist with disinfecting (this will also aid in removing soap residue). Drying clothes To dry, hang your items out on a hot sunny day, on an outdoor clothes line. The sun is a natural disinfectant and the fresh air will leave a clean scent to you newly purchased treasures. Contact us for more information and great ideas on caring for your laundry. 0 Comments
Can your HOA forbid you from using a clothesline to dry your laundry? Posted by Donald Schmit → September 14, 2012 at 9:43 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry That depends on where you live, as this blog post explains. Some communities have regulations that prohibit homeowners or renters from using clotheslines. But people are fighting back against these rules: A “right-to-dry” movement has sprung up and won laws in six states––Florida, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, and Vermont—to render these bans void and unenforceable. In another 13 states, solar access laws protect solar drying. For instance, an Oregon law states that any restrictions on “solar radiation as a source for heating, cooling or electrical energy” are “void and unenforceable.” Since clotheslines rely on solar energy, their use is protected in those states where laws provide blanket allowances for the use of solar radiation. Yet in all 19 states where they are technically illegal, these bans still remain in effect. Right-to-dry activist Alexander Lee estimates that more than half of all HOAs restrict or ban the use of clotheslines. Many residents simply don’t realize they legally have the right to use clotheslines. The blog post gives more specifics on where some of these illegal bans persist, and even includes a map of clothesline bans. One rather ironic example is the Forest Heights neighborhood in Oregon. The community claims to be dedicated to environmental stewardship, with plenty of common green space, walking trails and even an “EcoShuttle” service. The HOA website promotes a “Go Green” campaign. Yet at the same time, the regulations limit placement of clotheslines to “service yards” that are “completely screened so that the elements screened are not visible at any time from the street or any adjoining property.” Because of the way homes are situated in proximity to each other, it would be basically impossible to completely conceal a clothesline. So essentially, this amounts to a clothesline ban, which is illegal under Oregon’s aforementioned solar access law. If your HOA covenants prohibit the use of clotheslines, don’t despair. If you live in one of the 19 states where these bans are illegal, you have the law on your side, so you can go ahead and hang your clothesline without fear. If not, you can always become an activist yourself and fight for your right to dry. Until your state’s laws change, though, there are plenty of indoor clotheslines available. Contact us to learn more about the vast and varied ways to dry your clothes naturally and to peruse our wide selection of indoor and outdoor clotheslines. 0 Comments
Indoor Drying Racks For Laundry Can Naturally Humidify Your Home This Winter Posted by Tobin Dimmitt → September 10, 2012 at 9:16 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry With winter just around the corner, you may be thinking about an alternative to the outdoor clothesline that you have used all summer. Because I no longer have a clothes dryer, I can either choose to visit my neighborhood laundromat or consider other arrangements. I recently read an article about how drying your clothes indoors can actually add to the comfort of your home. We are all aware of how dry the air can be in winter, remember all the static in your hair? This seemed like a great idea so I began my search for the perfect drying implement. I had no idea there were so many choices. Your selections range from retractable clotheslines you can hang in the bathroom to a drying rack that once fully loaded with clothes will raise up to the ceiling on a pulley system, saving tons of space. There are folding racks, racks on wheels and even umbrella tripod styles. The choice is yours based on the space you have and the amount of laundry you will need to dry. Find the driest area of your home to set up your drying rack or clothesline. If your home is feeling uncomfortably dry, usually when the humidity level drops below 40%, drying your clothes indoors can make a real difference. Because of the increased moisture in the air, you may not need to use your central heating as much since people feel warmer in a humid environment. If your home has a moisture “problem”, consider setting up your drying space in a garage or enclosed porch that can be ventilated. If there is not an indoor option, you can still dry clothes outside in winter. Even if they freeze, the moisture will eventually dissipate in the dry winter air. If you need guidance to prepare your home for winter clothes drying or advice on choosing a drying rack, please contact us so we can find the perfect solution for you. 0 Comments
Reasons to Buy a Wall Mounted Drying Rack Posted by Tobin Dimmitt → September 06, 2012 at 2:02 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry If you feel a tad cluttered and disorganized and would like a drying rack that doesn’t take up room, why not invest in a wall wall mounted drying rack? Your laundry room will look spacious and clean just by hanging up the rack against the wall. Here are some more reasons why this handy type of rack will do you some good. Eco Friendly Clothes racks in general are incredibly eco friendly since you aren’t wasting energy by turning on an electric dryer. Since your clothing will be naturally dried, they will be unharmed by chemical ridden dryer sheets. You’ll always save quite a bit of money on your energy bill which is a big plus. Compact and Organized If you have a small laundry room you’re going to want to conserve as much space as you can. If you mount a drying rack on the wall, your laundry room won’t look messy and you’ll have more space to walk or add additional furniture. Getting a rack that matches the color scheme of the room will flatter it tremendously and might even garner compliments from guests. Convenience is the main reason why a mounted clothes rack is a great idea since it combats clutter and takes up minimal space. Wall mounted racks also have enough space to hang up loads of clothes and are sturdy enough to even hold wet jeans and other heavy materials. Wood clothes racks are incredibly eco friendly, but plastic variants will hold up better and last even longer. Whichever you decide, contact us, and we’ll give you more ideas on what you can do with a mounted rack. 0 Comments