Would You Wear the Same Jeans for a Year Without Washing Them?
Posted by Edwin H February 24, 2011 at 12:06 AM under Home Living Tips

This sounds pretty disgusting! I hope that they had a good washing machine when the time came to actually wash the jeans.


College students are well known for their questionable hygiene, particularly when it comes to clean
laundry their first year in. Not yet ready for the world of responsibility University of Alberta student Josh Le wore his tight-fitting raw-denim jeans every day for 15 months and one week, after just one wash. Privy to Le’s “experiment”, one day his professor took bacterial counts from his pants before he threw them into the wash, then sampled the same jeans a couple of weeks later. So was the bacteria count out of control or were the jeans just as fresh as they were straight from the wash? Jump ahead for the results!

To read more go to; http://inhabitat.com/would-you-wear-the-same-jeans-for-a-year-without-washing-them-its-not-a-gross-as-you-think/

Obama Plans an $8 billion Green Energy Budget for 2012
Posted by Paul M February 23, 2011 at 6:33 PM under Alternative Energy Environment News and Events

This looks like a promising move towards less reliance on fossil fuels:

President Barack Obama proposed on Monday increasing funds for renewable energy research by 2012 and also reducing subsidies for fossil fuels.

The Department of Energy has $29.5 billion available for the fiscal year 2012. About $8 billion would be invested in solar, wind and advanced batteries. “Whomever leads in the global, clean energy economy will also take the lead in creating high-paying, highly skilled jobs for its people,” the administration said about the budget.

Novel small-sized nuclear energy technologies, such as modular reactors, will also be funded $853 mln from this budget. To raise funds for clean energy, the White House asked the Congress to withdraw $3.6 billion in oil industry, coal and natural gas subsidies, a move that will lead to the loss of $46.2 billion by these industries over ten years.

Many Republicans are opposed cutting subsidies for fossil fuels, claiming that it would affect industries that offer jobs at a time when the economy is still fragile.

“Given the broad difference in priorities between House Republicans and the White House on energy issues, we believe that few of the proposed cuts and expansions … will become law,” Whitney Stanco, an energy policy analyst at MF Global, said in a research note

Scientists convert water into fuel
Posted by Craig P February 22, 2011 at 8:35 PM under Alternative Energy Environment

Scientist at work

A team of researchers at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have recently set up a new laboratory (the first in Asia) that will be used to convert water into hydrogen fuel.

As the scientists said, the development of this technology may reduce the cost of using  to the same price as using conventional energy sources.  The laboratory will use what is known as “artificial leaf” technology. It is inspired by the way leaves use sunlight to generate electricity.This technique will make possible the separation of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Large quantities of hydrogen can be produced in a clean and sustainable manner.

Conventional technologies are not so efficient because they require huge amounts of energy to extract only small amounts of hydrogen from water. The researchers want to test in the lab if cheap substances like titanium dioxide and rust can efficiently capture solar energy to split water. Currently, such extraction technologies are available, but the team wants to find cheaper ways.

“We can do this reaction right now. It’s no problem. We can use platinum, or we can use very expensive semi-conductor materials. The challenge is to devise a technology which is cheap, and is robust,” said professor James Barber, a leading expert in this field.

Homeland Security Requires New Wind Turbine Fields to Be Radar-Friendly
Posted by Paul M February 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM under Environment News and Events

You just can’t mess with Homeland Security and their radars, even if you’re a state-of-the-art renewable energy entrepreneur who builds huge wind turbine fields for a living. It looks like national security can be affected by badly-posted wind turbines, since they can interfere with radars through the doppler effect they create.

But because every issue has its solutions, Analytic Graphics Inc. (AGI), software designer for space, defense and intelligence systems, is teaming with Raytheon Network Centric Systems and Remcom, performing electromagnetic simulations, will approach this one and create improved wind turbine fields.

“We are pleased that Raytheon has selected AGI’s precision geometry engine to aid the important mission of allowing our wind farms and radar systems to coexist without hindering national security,” says Peter Sardella, AGI vice president of Services.

“Raytheon’s 60-year legacy in the design and manufacture of radar systems strongly qualifies us to provide an innovative solution to the problem,” said Andy Zogg, Raytheon Network Centric Systems vice president of Command and Control Systems. “With the introduction of our highly reliable tool, (Homeland Security) will be able to better manage approvals of wind farm applications, allowing for clean and renewable wind energy resources.”

All of the new applicants who will want to place their wind turbine field one place or another will have to pass this kind of approval in the future, so their plan does not interfere with the U.S. national security standards.

Winter clothes drying tips
Posted by Jeanette M February 20, 2011 at 8:25 PM under Environment

Are you having trouble getting your laundry dry ? Here is a great solution for you to consider.

QUIKcloset fold away airer

QUIKcloset fold away airer

Why not try an indoor airer or clothesline? There are many different designs to suit any situation. An airer will help cut your power bills as you don’t need to use your clothes dryer all the time. Click on the link to find the best one for your home.


No drying space? Try this!
Posted by Nicholas G February 19, 2011 at 8:13 PM under Environment

If you are having trouble finding a place to dry your laundry why not try a fold down clothesline? Once your clothes are dry simply fold it down and use the space for other activities. Out of sight out of mind!

Hills Supa Fold Mini Folding Frame Clothesline is wall-mounted and collapses between uses

Using vertical space with a Hills Supa Fold!

Click on the link to find the one that’s best for you. Drying this way is easy and just think of the savings when you stop using the clothes dryer all the time.

Sunlight converted to Hydrogen using Spinach
Posted by Graeme D February 18, 2011 at 7:23 PM under Alternative Energy Environment


A system that converts the energy of sunlight directly into hydrogen has been discovered at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Scientists there have managed to design what they call a “biohybrid photoconversion system,” which consists in the interaction of plant proteins responsible with photosynthesis and a synthetic polymer they created.

The Light Harvesting Complex II proteins (LHC-II) in a spinach plant have been determined of being able to self-assemble with polymers in a synthetic membrane structure which can produce hydrogen from water in the presence of sunlight. The researchers used a technique called “small angle neutron scattering” at ORNL’s High Flux Isotope Reactor.

“Making a self-repairing msynthetic photoconversion syste is a pretty tall order. The ability to control structure and order in these materials for self-repair is of interest because, as the system degrades, it loses its effectiveness,” ORNL researcher Hugh O’Neill, of the lab’s Center for Structural Molecular Biology, said.

The discovery is not new – ORNL researchers had previously determined the light conversion properties of platinized photosystem I complexes and based their present achievements on this data. “We’re building on the photosynthesis research to explore the development of self-assembly in biohybrid systems. The neutron studies give us direct evidence that this is occurring,” O’Neill said.

Eventually, hydrogen will get transformed into electricity through fuel cells and used to power electric motors. This is yet another points where energy is lost through inefficiency, but I tend to think it’s better to directly generate the gas than generate electricity through solar cells, then turn it into hydrogen and then into electricity again. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

Wash full loads to avoid waste
Posted by Jean S February 17, 2011 at 6:38 PM under Environment

Here are some great ideas to save you time and money.

Wait until you have a machine full of clothes before you wash a load. Don’t wash a load of clothes just because you want to wear the same pair of pants the next day! When washing your clothes be sure to use the economy mode and this will save you both water and electricity! This goes for dishwashers, too. Load the dishwasher but don’t overload it.

Once your clothes are washed consider drying them on a clothesline either outdoors or indoors if it is too wet. This will save electricity and your laundry will smell fresh.

Saving Water starts with you!
Posted by Nicholas G February 16, 2011 at 6:19 PM under Environment News and Events

There are a number of ways to save water, and they all start with you.

  • Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
  • When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
  • Some refrigerators, air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with wasted flows of water. Consider upgrading with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings.
  • Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.
  • Choose shrubs and groundcovers instead of turf for hard-to-water areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips.
  • Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.
  • Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste instead and save gallons every time.
  • Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more plentiful.
Biofuel and Booze from same plant!
Posted by Nigel M February 15, 2011 at 8:17 PM under Environment Home Living Tips News and Events

This may be the way of the future for fuel.

Researchers at the University of Illinois claim that the Agave plant (used in making tequila) could be a great source of biofuel.

According to some articles published in the journal Global Change Biology Bioenergy, two Agave species greatly exceeded the yields of other biofuel feedstocks such as sorghum, corn, soybean and wheat.

“We need bioenergy crops that have a low risk of unintended land use change. Biomass from Agave can be harvested as a co-product of tequila production without additional land demands,” said Sarah Davis, a bioenergy analyst.

In different locations from Mexico and Africa there are a few abandoned Agave plantations (that had been used to support the natural fiber market) that could be reclaimed as bioenergy croplands.

“More research on Agave species is warranted to determine the tolerance ranges of the highest yielding varieties that would be most viable for bioenergy production in semi-arid regions of the world,” she added.

As the scientists said, Agace is the perfect source of biofuel, having the possibility to be cultivated in Australia, Mexico and Africa.

Read more: http://www.greenoptimistic.com/2011/02/04/agave-plant-biofuel/#ixzz1DK81oARH