Top 5 Ways to Spend Less Time Cleaning


Cleaning is something that most people want to spend as little time as possible doing. Of course, there are some people who truly do enjoy it. But that is certainly not the majority. Regardless of how you feel about it, less time cleaning does, of course, translate into more time spent living life. The bottom line is that with a little planning, you can make cleaning less time consuming. That way you can get out there and do what you want with your free time!


Tip #1 for Spending Less Time Cleaning – Hire a Cleaning Service


Hiring a cleaning service is definitely not for everyone. Some people just aren’t comfortable having a stranger or strangers literally digging through their trash.

The cost of hiring a cleaning service is also no small issue. Cleaning services do vary greatly in price, which means that with some research you might be able to find a cleaning service that works for your budget.

Like with most consumer goods and services, it can really pay to do a little price shopping. There are many independent cleaning services that are, in fact, run by individuals or mom and pop operations, which means that there are cleaning services that will be quite flexible regarding what they charge.

There is no way around the fact that if you want to spend less time cleaning then you might just want to hire a professional. If you hate cleaning, then it might just be worth the money to outsource your cleaning duties to someone else.


Tip #2 for Spending Less Time Cleaning – The Robot Vacuum Option


Our sci-fi future full of robotic cleaning robots may not be here quite yet, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have some options. Robot vacuums do work, and some models are better than others. The one example most people think of is the Roomba robot vacuum.

Much like hiring a cleaning service, robot vacuums, especially good ones that actually work, are not exactly cheap. However, once you opt for a robotic vacuum, the simple fact is that you will have one less cleaning duty on your list.

Robot vacuum cleaners are definitely not without their flaws and you do have empty them. But they can also be a good fit for people and certain types of homes. People with younger children and pets might want to proceed with caution before jumping on the robot vacuum train, as they may have trouble dealing with tougher, more substantial messes!


Tip #3 for Spending Less Time Cleaning – Get Organized, Really Organized


A lot of the cleaning that the average person performs is actually the result of a lack of organization. A classic example of this fact is not properly disposing of worn clothing. Dirty clothing tossed about your house doesn’t just make your home looking messy, but it also creates another cleaning challenge and chore. If you stop and take a good look at what needs to be cleaned around your house, you will probably discover that many of your cleaning chores could be eliminated or at least somewhat reduced by adopting a more proactive organizational strategy.


Every room and area of your home can benefit from an increase in organization. Whether it is your kitchen, your home office, your bedroom or your garage there are organizational opportunities. Additionally, the more organized your home is the quicker and easier it is to clean. For example, not having to pick up lots of clothing off the floor makes vacuum, mopping or sweeping a great deal easier, regardless of whether or not you have a fancy robot vacuum cleaner.


Tip #4 for Spending Less Time Cleaning- The Team Effort


Whether you have a significant other or live with roommates, splitting cleaning duties can dramatically reduce the time it takes to clean a space. Quite often the dividing of household chores can be a problematic area, as some significant others or roommates are not willing to pull their share; however, this doesn’t mean you should give up and not try to convenience the people you live with to do their respective share of the cleaning. Every situation and relationship is different.

Discovering what will motivate someone you live with to share in the cleaning duties may not be easy but if you can establish a new cleaning system, you will receive dividends for years to come. Leading by example is a great place to begin convincing others to pull their “cleaning weight.”


Tip #5 for Spending Less Time Cleaning – Turn Your Dishwasher Into a Super Cleaner


You can’t stick everything in the dishwasher but many difficult to clean items can be placed in the dishwasher for cleaning. This trick must be used on a case-by-case basis, but there is no doubt that everything from brushes to pet food bowls can be cleaned in your dishwasher. As long as the item in question isn’t toxic in nature, your dishwasher might be a true time saving cleaning tool!

Similarly, some toys and unusual items can be placed in your laundry machine. Legos are a perfect example of a toy that can be cleaned in this fast and efficient way.


Don’t Overdo the Cleaning

kitchen-2174577_960_720Perhaps, the simplest way to spend less time cleaning is to not overdo the cleaning. One area of the home where many people often over clean is the floor. Bathroom floors do need to be cleaned frequently, but hardwood floors are a different story.

Vacuuming hardwood floors usually is enough to keep them reasonably clean. Mopping hardwood floors is time consuming and often unnecessary. Take the time to really think about what you’re spending your time on and ask around to see what your friends and relatives do. You may find the you have some misconceptions.

By following these tips, you will clean less and enjoy more free time. A combination of robotic tools, organization and a new approach can help you reduce your cleaning time substantially. Don’t be afraid to experiment to find new ways to reduce your cleaning time. In the long run, you’ll be glad you did!



Posted by April 16, 2017 at 6:57 PM under Home Living Tips

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