4 Effective Ways to Clean Your Bathroom without Chemicals

cat-1052060_960_720The number of chemicals found in bathroom cleaners can be a little depressing. What makes this fact all the more shocking is that for virtually all homes and businesses harsh chemicals are not needed to achieve an effective cleaning.

Over the years cleaning product manufacturers have worked hard, and spent lots of money, in an effort to convince us that our homes are remarkably filthy and only they can save us from ourselves. In most cases this is an overreach, as simple cleaning products will work just fine for cleaning homes.


The issue of chemicals in bathroom cleaning products is no small issue. Not only are the chemicals potentially dangerous for human health, but also they are also bad for the environment. Not only are chemicals used to create these products, but the chemicals also make their way into the water supply harming both humans and wildlife alike. So let’s explore some of the best ways to clean your bathroom without chemicals.


Option One-Soap and Water Just Like Grandma or Grandpa Would Have Used


Soap has earned a good reputation over the years for one simple fact: it works! Soap and water are great cleaners, but somewhere along the way most of us started to believe that we needed something more “powerful” as though the germs that grandma and grandpa faced were somehow completely inferior to today’s modern super germs.


No doubt there are places where the supergerms do reside such as hospitals, but the odds that your home has MRSA or some other supergerm is probably very low. Powerful cleaners have their place, but often good old fashion soap and water will areas such as kitchen countertops, toilets, bathroom sinks and showers clean.


Option Two-A Water and Hydrogen Peroxide Mix


Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective cleaner and is far safer than many of the well marketed and shiny bathroom cleaners that are on the market. This mix is great for periodic cleaning of toilet bowls, countertops and more.


If you are cleaning with soap and water and feel as though an area might not be as clean as you would like, then a hydrogen peroxide and water mix will do the job. If you are cutting meat, fish or poultry on your countertops, then it is a good idea to go with a cleaner that is a little stronger than soap or water, or play it on the safe side and use a cutting board that you then toss in the dishwasher.


Option Three-Vinegar What Can’t You Do?


Vinegar is something of a household cleaning superstar. Vinegar and baking soda combine nicely and make for a great, all-natural cleaner. Vinegar wipes out mold, removes soap, stains and a great deal more. Simple, run-of-the-mill vinegar can be used to keep your entire home clean and best of all it is very cheap. When you dilute vinegar in water, it is possible to stretch a single bottle of vinegar for weeks or even months. While vinegar is, of course, very acidic, it is still far easier on the environment and far safer for people than virtually all mass producer chemical cleaner options.


Those looking for a safe way to clean everything from bathroom showers and tubs to countertops and toilets will find that vinegar does a great job. In addition to being very cheap, the vinegar and baking soda combo can be used for a wide variety of bathroom cleaning chores and can even help unclog sinks. So don’t reach for chemical drain cleaners when a clog comes your way, instead try this time honored option. As always, test a small area before using any cleaning product across your entire bathroom or kitchen area.


Option Four-Other Options for Tackling a Clogged Drain


One of the most dangerous chemical mixes that most people ever bring into their homes is when they need to unclog a drain. Clogged drains are a nightmare and that is why it is vitally important to periodically clean them out with our vinegar and baking soda mix. However, eventually you will run into some drain problems that vinegar and baking soda just won’t cut. When that day comes, first try to remove the u-shaped pipe under your sink. This area traps a lot of debris and build up. There are plenty of “how to” guides available online that can guide you through the process, and you might just save a small fortune over hiring a plumber.


Another big reason to tackle a clogged drain yourself and without chemicals is that drain cleaners put a lot of toxic chemicals directly into the water supply. Additionally, these products are quiet dangerous to have around especially if you have pets or small children.


The bottom line is that chemical bathroom cleaners are unnecessary, dangerous to people and pets, harm the environment and are expensive. You simply don’t need them for most household cleaning situations. If you feel that you need to “call out the big guns” then turn to simple rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.


Keep in mind that most hand sanitizers, cleaning wipes and even hospitals use alcohol. Good old-fashioned alcohol is an amazing cleaner and cleans even the dirtiest and scariest germs. Don’t be afraid to clean like grandma and grandpa once did; after all, they survived just fine with soap and water and a little baking soda and vinegar and so will you!






Posted by January 18, 2016 at 10:25 PM under Home Living Tips

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