5 Fun Plastic Bottle Projects for Kids


No doubt the world has a plastic problem. One of the key parts of that plastic problem comes in the form of the ubiquitous plastic bottles. Plastic bottles are everywhere and come in an almost endless array of forms; however, there are many real and practical steps that you and your family can take to keep plastic bottles out of landfills and out of the ocean. Finding ways to showcase to children that items have value is time well spent. It’s also a perfect activity for Earth Day!


Kids love special projects that allow them to display their creative side. Finding fun plastic bottle projects is a great way for kids to have fun while recycling. If you want your children to have a positive association with recycling, then fun recycling projects such as the ones we will outline in this article is the perfect place to start. Children love special projects like these and many children will find it exciting to take something that is considered to be trash and transform it into some fun, useful and even beautiful!


Fun Plastic Bottle Project Number One-Decoration


Kids love seeing their artwork displayed across the house. For younger children, simply decorating a plastic bottle with glitter, stickers, pasted on drawings or other simple items can be both entertaining and satisfying. A simple bottle decoration project is great as it allows children of all ages to participate. Encourage your children to use everyday items that they can find around the house to make their decorated bottle as eye-catching and unique as possible.


Fun Plastic Bottle Project Number Two-Bracelets


With just a little patience it is possible to create your own plastic bottle bracelets. Once cut into rings, your children will love decorating their own bracelets. While this idea is simple, parents are often surprised by how much effort children will put into creating complex and interesting bracelets from scratch.


Fun Plastic Bottle Project Number Three-Colorful Artwork Masterpieces


All it takes to create a colorful and very fun plastic bottle artwork is an unfolded cardboard box, some different colored plastic bottles and plastic bottle tops. Plastic bottles and plastic bottle tops come in just about every color imaginable. Gluing cut plastic bottles and plastic bottle tops onto a cardboard surface is an essentially free way to create wonderful new art. This is one of the best plastic bottle projects for kids when it comes to expressing creativity.

Any shape or pattern imaginable can be created using this simple plastic bottle trick. If you really want to get the most out of this idea then save up as many different plastic bottles as possible. The more different circumferences and colored plastic bottles and caps you have, the better! Once your kids have practiced with smaller plastic bottle and plastic cap projects, feel free to branch out to larger and larger projects. You and your children are only limited by your imagination!


Fun Plastic Bottle Project Number Three-Transforming an Old Tent


Do you have an old tent? Plastic bottles can transform that tent into a magical play land for children in surprisingly little time. By taping cut circular sections of plastic bottles to your tent, your children can build an amazing play area. This is also a great activity for you and your family to enjoy on a camping trip.

Attach the cut plastic bottle sections either the inside, outside or even both the inside and outside of the tent and you’ll have a wild and crazy looking creation. When taken outside on a sunny day, this festive toy will create hypnotic patterns on the inside of the tent. This one is very easy, very fun and sports a high replay value!


Fun Plastic Bottle Project Number Four-The Plant Holder


If you are looking for ways to help your children get more time outdoors, then you’ll love the plastic bottle plant holder idea. All you need for this idea is to cut a plastic bottle in half, turn it upside down, put in dirt, seeds and a little water. Of course you’ll need some way of hanging your plant, which can be as easy as attaching a hook. For homes with outdoor plant hanging areas this idea is cheap and a great conversation starter for parents. Most children love the idea of growing plants, and with this trick your children will feel as though they’ve played an important role in the process.


Fun Plastic Bottle Project Number Five-Animals!


A plastic bottle and a little imagination can be all it takes to create a new toy. Eye stickers, yarn and other simple items you already have around the house are perfect for transforming a plastic bottle into almost any animal imaginable. You can create paper feathers for striking birds, use bottle caps for noses, pencils for legs, partially blown up balloons for ears and the list goes on and on.

One of the key reasons that this plastic bottle activity is so much fun for children is that it gives them endless ways to express their creativity and, in the process, create a new work of art.


Transforming Plastic Bottles Into Artistic Wonders is a Fantastic Way to Create Lasting Memories


No doubt there are plenty of other ways you can turn plastic bottles into hand made treasures. The best part of these simple plastic bottle projects is that you and your children are creating them together and in the process forming lasting and fun mementos. Once these creations have been completed, don’t forget to display them with pride somewhere in your home.

Posted by March 23, 2016 at 6:10 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

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