Category Archives: Home Living Tips

What You Need to Know About the Air You Breathe
Posted by July 02, 2015 at 10:45 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

attractive woman breathing and relaxing

Air pollution takes many different forms. The idea that there is “one kind” of air pollution is a dangerous one. For example, air pollution doesn’t just come from outside. In fact air pollution can come from the goods you put inside your home. Most homes contain a range of volatile organic compounds or VOCs that can damage health. Alarmingly, many VOCs are suspected carcinogens and can lead to leukemia with prolonged exposure. In short, air quality couldn’t be any more serious of an issue.


Don’t Let Bad Air Quality Impact Your Health


Sources of indoor air pollution often surprise many people. Indoor air pollution sources range from building materials to paint and even seemingly harmless furniture. A large percentage of modern furniture and even items such as kitchen cabinets are not exactly what they seem. Instead of being solid wood, many modern furniture offerings are in fact little more than sawdust and wood remnants held together with chemicals and glues.


The “cheap” furniture one finds at many big box retailers are actually of such low quality that it starts to fall apart within just a couple of years. The bigger problem, however, is the fact this “MDF” or particleboard furniture also degasses and will do so for years. In the process, harmful chemicals including formaldehyde are released into the air.


The situation with household furniture, such as soft chairs and couches, is no better. The stuffing material in most chairs and couches are derived from petroleum products, chemicals and very dangerous flame-retardants. Such furniture will often degas for years.


The Amazing World of Low VOC Products


All of this is a bit depressing, but there are steps you can take to avoid poor indoor air quality. At the top of the list is to use low VOC products. Paint can release a tremendous amount of VOCs and continue to do so for a long time. Most large paint companies and many smaller companies now offer low VOC paint. Then there are also “green paint options” that have very low VOC. (And no these paints are always the color green.) The bottom line is that low VOC options are now out there and you can find them without too much trouble.


Carpets and Floors


Want to finish your hardwood floors or install carpeting? Flooring finishes are usually little more than chemicals and carpet will degas for years. That “new house” smell you’ve probably noticed is, in fact, VOCs being released into the air from a range of new materials.


Floor finishing can be particularly hazardous when newly applied and should be avoided. It is no accident that many people who smell some floor finishing products compare the smell to paint thinner. The good news is that there are natural low VOC floor finishing options and low VOC carpeting options, such as wool carpet.


NASA Weighs in On Plants


Sometimes you can’t help what is in your home and removal is impractical. Luckily, there are steps you can take. An inexpensive and prudent step is to populate your home with plants. Plants, such as ferns and snake plants, are extremely good at removing a range of contaminants from the air. The best scores in the NASA clean air study went to peace lily and florist’s chrysanthemum’s which both removed benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene and ammonia, all of which are some of the most common indoor air pollutants.


In a NASA experiment, it was discovered that very common plants, such as ferns, worked remarkably well for reducing contaminants from the air. Snake plants are a very wise choice for anyone looking to improve the quality of his or her indoor air quality. The reason is that snake plants are very tough. These durable plants need virtually no love to thrive and are often used in many of most toxic indoor environments, such as newly constructed office spaces and shopping malls. Plants also boost one’s mood. It’s a win all the way around.


Finding a Great Air Purifier


In addition to plants, air purifiers can work extremely well for cleaning the air. Of course air purifiers come in all shapes, sizes, performance levels and prices. Finding the right one can be tricky and can also take a lot of research. Air purifiers that use ion technology should be avoided as some researchers worry that the technology might be hazardous to human health.


Low-end air purifiers, for example, those costing under $100 don’t usually perform very well. Consumer Reports has given good scores to Honeywell’s HPA300. While they have not yet reviewed the IQAir, this air filter has impressive capabilities and three layers of different filters including a hyper-HEPA filter. It is important to note that IQAir products are, however, far more expensive than most other air purifiers.


Easy Tricks to Improve Your Air Quality


There are many other steps one can take to improve indoor air quality. One of the best options is to frequently replace the filter in your home’s HVAC system and opt for a high quality filter. Your home’s HVAC filter is your first line of defense when it comes to clean air.


Another prudent move is to use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter. These filters are designed to catch small particles and trap them. Periodically cleaning these filters every few months is a must in order to maintain optimal performance.

There are plenty of steps you can take to maintain air quality. Achieving great indoor air quality is a process. Don’t attempt to change everything at once. Instead, chip away at the problem of poor indoor air quality one bit at a time. While it make take some effort, great indoor air quality is invaluable for your health and has even been shown to help boost productivity.

The 5 Top Benefits of Turning Off Your Smartphone
Posted by June 23, 2015 at 2:22 PM under Environment Home Living Tips


You may be addicted to your smartphone. Perhaps you are even reading this article on your smartphone and telling yourself that you couldn’t possibly have a problem. Smartphone addiction is certainly common; after all, smartphones were custom made to be highly addictive! That is, of course, the bad news, but there is good news. There are lot of benefits to be had from putting your smartphone down and walking out of the room. (And, yes, you do have to leave your smartphone behind.)


Smartphone Liberation Benefit #1-See the World


Now by “see the world” we don’t mean that once you turn off your smartphone you will magically be able to travel to exotic locations. Sorry. You will, however, be able to finally see the world around you.


Are you one of those people who take a walk in the woods only to discover that the only time you look away from your smartphone is to take a picture of nature? Any tool used too often or for too long becomes a crutch. Smartphones are amazing tools and most of us are using them far too much. The result is that we are often failing to see the world around us.


Smartphone Liberation Benefit #2-Restored Vision


Smartphones and computer screens are giving your eyes a real beating, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You have the power to just walk away, especially after business hours. What you will discover once you stop using your smartphone, as often is that your smartphone really does take a lot out of your eyes. Most avid smartphone users don’t realize how tired their eyes really are until they’ve had a little time away from their device.


Smartphone Liberation Benefit #3-Better Sleep


Can turning off your smartphone improve your health? No doubt it is hard to exercise looking at one’s smartphone all the time, but the health improvements associated with turning off your smartphone actually go far deeper.


Recent studies have shown that the light emitted from smartphones can actually interfere with quality sleep. It gets worst. Do you sleep with your smartphone near your bed? Well, you may want to stop. Studies have shown that smartphone radiation may interfere with getting enough restful sleep.


Speaking of smartphones and sleep, studies show that excessive use of mobile devices can actually interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Those who look at a phone for more than 4 hours during a day find that it is 49% more likely that it will take them over an hour to fall asleep.


Smartphone Liberation Benefit #4-Protect Your Brain, Maybe


Another health issue with smartphones is that the radiation they produce may be harmful to human health. In the old days, parents worried about children watching too much television. But at least most of the time a television wasn’t strapped to the side of their heads!


Yes, the comparison is apples to oranges but if there are negative health consequences to smartphone and cellphone use, they could be serious due to the way that most people use them. Several countries, including Finland, have conducted their own studies into smartphones and cellphones and have concluded that there are reasons to be concerned.


So what should you do? The World Health Organization has listed smartphones and cellphones as a possible carcinogen. This is a controversial statement and it doesn’t mean that your smartphone will kill you, but it may mean you want to exercise some caution.


A good argument can be made for “playing it safe” until the medical community is speaking with a fairly uniform voice. Right now there are those in the medical community preaching caution and considering that there are other benefits to putting your smartphone down for a while it only makes sense to curb one’s use. Not using a smartphone doesn’t mean you can’t use a computer.


Smartphone Liberation Benefit #5-Actually Talk to People


Yes, it is a bit of a crazy idea but turning off your smartphone could help you spend more time talking to people. Want to make more friends in the real world? Ironically, turning off your phone may do the trick.


Talking to people, attending events or simply looking up from your smartphone might be a good first step. Virtual networking is great, but what about networking in the real world? Networking is one of the best ways to build your career and discover new opportunities. Social media and virtual network has its benefits but so does networking the old fashioned way. Besides talking to people will help you improve your “social game,” and that will certainly come in handy at some point.


Another big benefit is that you can spend more time talking to the people you care about. Your smartphone will evolve in just a few months, but what about your relationships with the people you care about?


Smartphones Are Great Tools Which Need to Be Turned Off Every Once and a While


If you are feeling socially isolated, think about turning off your smartphone and engaging more with the world around you. Technology can both connect and divide, and if you are using your smartphone too much, you may be cutting yourself off from the world around you. That means reducing your possibilities and maybe even your happiness. So the next time you are in the checkout line, the Dog Park or just about anywhere else, keep your smartphone off, your head up and see what happens. Life is happening all around you and not just on a screen.

How to Create a Supercharged Breakfast
Posted by June 06, 2015 at 9:50 PM under Home Living Tips


Feeling as though you need a little bit more energy in the morning? Don’t worry, as you are not alone. We have some great ideas for how you can boost your energy levels and improve your overall health at the same time.

All too often people believe that “healthy and nutritious” is the same as “hard and time-consuming.” But in reality, this doesn’t have to be the case. Eating a healthy breakfast is mostly about proper shopping and preparation.

Skip the Sugary Processed Breakfast Options

granolaThe first step in supercharging your breakfast is what you shouldn’t do for breakfast. What you should never do for breakfast is turn to fast food, sugary food or food that is pretending to be healthy food but is far from it, such as “energy drinks.”

Instead, focus on giving your body plenty of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. If you want to keep your energy levels flying high throughout the day, then you’ll need to make a “nutritional investment” in the morning.

Supercharge Your Breakfast with Oatmeal and Peanut Butter

goji-berriesOne of the easiest ways to supercharge your breakfast is with oatmeal. Oatmeal couldn’t be any easier to prepare and there are even organic oatmeal packets. Just be sure that if your oatmeal has added ingredients that they are truly healthy.

Read the labels. A large percentage of packaged oatmeal on the market has added sugar and artificial ingredients, which are the last thing your body needs especially the first thing in the morning. Your safest option is to simply buy organic bulk oatmeal. Oatmeal is an amazingly cheap food and it is one food that even if you are on a tight budget you can likely afford a few extra cents to go organic.

Why all the raving about oatmeal? Oatmeal contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and has been shown to help flush potentially harmful compounds out of the body. Oatmeal is also very high in fiber and protein. The cost to benefit ratio is through the roof and it is easy to prepare.

Another reason that oatmeal is worth your attention at breakfast is that oatmeal truly does play well with others. Add a little extra protein in the form of nuts, and suddenly oatmeal becomes a breakfast nutritional powerhouse. Once you’ve prepared your oatmeal, simply add a scope or two of peanut butter or add a handful of your favorite nuts and you have a truly impressive breakfast.  Then top your oatmeal with your favorite fresh or dried fruit for an added appeal. This combination of old inexpensive favorites in the form of oatmeal and peanut butter is rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Quinoa Seeds as a Protein Rich Breakfast


Of course, you might not want this breakfast combo or variation every single day and that is understandable. Another great option is quinoa, which can be eaten as a hot cereal. Quinoa is definitely more expensive than oatmeal, but it is also very impressive when you consider the nutritional content.

Quinoa is also easy to prepare. The best way to use it is to prepare it the night before. The reason for this is that quinoa must be rinsed and it does take longer to cook.

What quinoa has to offer makes it well worth the effort. Quinoa is extremely high in a range of vitamins and minerals as well as protein, fiber and heart and brain essential omega-3 fatty acids. By sprinkling chia seeds onto your quinoa you can instantly boost the omega-3 and protein levels. Quinoa can be dressed up pretty easily with jam, fruit, including frozen fruit and more.

Shake It Up

greenIf you want a third great option, we’ve saved the easiest for last. Take one blender, add your favorite frozen fruits or fruits, toss in a banana or other fruit, such as an apple, then toss in nuts such as walnuts or protein powder. Add a little milk or milk alternative, and presto you have a very nutritious and protein packed meal. This option is very flexible as you can change the taste as you like by selecting different fruits or milk alternatives.

If you are looking for a very fast and healthy breakfast option, it is hard to beat making your own breakfast shake. A breakfast shake will help you fill full, give you some natural sugar in the morning and provide you with an exceptional energy boost.

A few simple ingredients such as oatmeal, quinoa, chia seeds, frozen fruit, fresh fruit like bananas and apples and jam and jelly can be used to create a very energy packed breakfast. If you still feel as though your breakfast lacks enough punch, consider adding chocolate powder to your shakes or even your oatmeal. Chocolate has been proven in studies to perk up the mind.

A Supercharged Breakfast in Five Minutes

Ultimately, just a small amount of preparation and strategic shopping goes a long way when it comes to having a breakfast. A supercharged breakfast doesn’t have to be difficult to prepare and can be made literally in five minutes or less. If you discover that you don’t have enough time to make a five-minute breakfast, then it’s time to take a good look at your schedule and find ways to squeeze this very important five minutes in every morning. You can be very alert and stay that way for several hours just by selecting the right healthy food options. Your body will definitely thank you.

8 Quick Tips for Lowering Your Carbon Footprint
Posted by May 08, 2015 at 9:32 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

Grass footprint

If you are unsure as to how your actions impact your carbon footprint, you are not alone. Your carbon footprint is calculated as what you do that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse gases cause the planet to warm and are produced in a variety of ways. Any event that takes energy can produce them! That means that the manufactured goods you use play a big role in your carbon footprint. The more energy it takes to create a given object, the higher your carbon footprint may become.

Food production and what you do in your home can also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can minimize your personal impact on the planet. Luckily, there are many easy and painless steps you can take to make a difference.


  1. Reconsider Meat Consumption


No one is stating that you have to become a vegan or vegetarian; however, it is important to note that eating meat creates far more greenhouse gases than not eating meat.


Vegetarians and vegans, for example, are responsible for producing far less greenhouse gas emissions than meat eaters. Simply skipping meat one or two days a week will help you lower your carbon footprint in an impressive fashion.


  1. Buy Local Food and Goods


Locally produced food and goods have a huge edge when it comes to reducing one’s carbon footprint. The fact that locally produced goods does not have to be transported long distances means less energy is consumed in their transport. Produce grown a few miles away has a far lower carbon footprint than produce grown thousands of miles away. Buying local products is one of the simpler ways to lower your carbon footprint.


  1. Reuse as Much as Possible


Manufacturing any good causes greenhouse gases to be released and that increases your carbon footprint. Reusing goods when possible, giving things you will not use to other people and recycling are all ways that you can lower your carbon footprint. Keeping a manufactured item in use means that you’ve kept a manufactured good from being purchased and, ultimately, maybe even from being made in the first place. While this is no doubt a simple step, it is also a very effective one in reducing your carbon footprint.


  1. Adjusting Your Thermostat Up and Down

A woman set the thermostat at house.

Setting your thermostat lower in winter and higher in the summer means that you will use less energy when heating and cooling your home. Reducing the amount of energy you use in your home is a fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint. Energy production takes a tremendous amount of energy, and any time you can skip using energy, you are lowering your carbon footprint. Wearing an extra layer of clothing in the winter to stay warm and putting reflective material in your windows during the summer are two ways that you can save energy, money and lower your carbon footprint.


  1. Public Transportation and Driving Fewer Miles


Another easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is to simply drive fewer hours a year. Using public transportation or carpooling even one day a week can help you lower your carbon footprint substantially. There are other benefits to using public transportation such as having more time to read.


When it comes to driving fewer miles, there is a clever trick that can make a substantial difference in your overall carbon footprint. If you can live closer to your work, then you instantly lower your carbon footprint. Keep this factor in mind when buying a new home or renting a new apartment. The simple selection of where you live can make a massive difference on your carbon footprint.


  1. Only Fly When Necessary


If you can take a train, bus or drive your car instead of flying, strongly consider that option. You can’t beat flying when it comes to speed, but that speed comes a price.

Flying produces a lot of greenhouse gases. There are times when flying is literally the only way to go, but consider other options especially for shorter trips.


  1. Power Strips and Your Carbon Footprint


There are many household items that use a great deal of energy even when they are not in use or appear to be off. Cable boxes often use as much energy as a refrigerator. Gaming consoles can also use a lot of energy even when they are off.


Try plugging in your cable box, video game consoles and other electronics into a power strip, and then turn that power strip off when those items are not in use. Not only does this tip help you lower your carbon footprint, but it should also help you save on your annual energy bill as well.


  1. Steps Around the Home


Those seeking ways to lower one’s carbon footprint will discover that there are ample opportunities right at home. Installing new insulation and replacing old insulation is a perfect place to start as insulation reduces energy costs year round.


Installing solar can be an exceptional way to lower one’s carbon footprint. Soon solar energy will be both very easy and affordable. Adding weather-strips to doors and windows and caulking up leaky areas is another inexpensive way to lower your energy bill and your carbon footprint. Other simple steps, such as reading by a window instead of using a lamp and growing even a small amount of your food, all add up to a big difference.


Thinking about energy consumption and how to use less energy is the first and greatest step. Your carbon footprint isn’t set in stone. There are steps and they will make a difference.

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Water Consumption
Posted by May 02, 2015 at 10:12 PM under Alternative Energy Environment Home Living Tips

Земной шар как источник пресной воды

The recent yearlong drought in California has lots of people not just in the United States, but also around the globe looking for new ways to reduce water consumption. Fresh water is a precious resource. But let’s face it; fresh water hasn’t always been treated that way. All of that is set to change in the coming years. Environmental scientists are declaring very clearly that the planet is under considerable stress. Our resources are being strained, but there are steps you can take today to help reduce water consumption.

By reducing the amount of water you use, you are both helping the planet and your own bank account. Water bills are likely to become increasingly expensive. Making changes now will help you get ready for those increasing prices. You’ll be well equipped to weather any financial storms that might come your way!

Water Reducing Tip One-Low Flow Toilets

toiletToilets can use a tremendous amount of water. One easy way to reduce your water consumption is to invest in a low flow toilet. A low flow toilet still gets the job done, but uses far less energy than a standard toilet. Another way to save water is to simply flush your toilet less. Flushing your toilet a few times per week is enough to make a difference.

Part of what makes a low flow toilet an attractive option is that they are relatively inexpensive and work very well. The old idea that a toilet must sound like a jet engine taking off just isn’t accurate. The modern toilet has most definitely been reinvented. You’ll love the difference.

Water Reducing Tip Two-Deal with Dripping Faucets

faucetA dripping faucet might not initially seem like that big of a deal, but a dripping faucet is always dripping. Twenty-four hours a day of dripping adds up to a lot of wasted water. Most of the time, repairing a dripping faucet is a quick and easy process. However, even if you need to replace a faucet you’ll enjoy immediate cost savings. If you have several dripping faucets in your house, taking steps to fix those faucets can save a tremendous amount of water on a annual basis. Besides, just imagine how wonderful it will be not to hearing running water constantly!


Water Reducing Tip Three-A Low Flow Shower Head & Shorter Showers

showerInstalling a low flow showerhead can dramatically reduce your water consumption. Showers tend to use a lot of water, but you do have an alternative in the form of a low flow showerhead. The cost of a low flow showerhead is quite reasonable and you’ll have the added bonus of knowing you’re doing something great to help the environment.

In addition to installing a low flow showerhead, consider taking shorter showers. Just opting to take one shorter shower per week will help reduce your water consumption. If possible, eliminate showering one day a week. You might just find that there are side benefits such as less instances of feeling like your skin is dried out and even reduced spending on things like soap!

Water Reducing Tip Four-A Low Water Use Lawn

Lavender Flowers & ButterflyIn the coming years, low water consumption lawns are going to be quite popular, so why not become a pioneer? Grass may look nice, but it uses up a great deal of water. Opting for low water consumption plants for your yard is a significant water saving tip!

Here are some hearty yard plants and trees that look great and use very little water: lavender, shrubs, juniper, chokecherry, and white oak. These are just a few of the options to consider, and you’ll find that they are just as colorful and beautiful as the alternatives. Remember that the amount of water used by grass is substantial. Switching out a percentage of your grass yard for low water use plants, shrubs and trees is a great place to start.

Regardless of what kind of plants you have, try to group your plants together by water requirements. In this way, the water you do use will be used much more efficiently. Also a layer of organic mulch goes a very long way in preserving moisture levels. A couple of inches of strategically placed mulch can save a hundreds of gallons of water annually.

Finally, only water your lawn when it truly needs it. Overwatering your lawn is nothing more than wasting water.

Water Reducing Tip Five-A New Approach to Your Washing Machine

washer and dryerWhen it comes to using water around the house, the washing machine is a major consumer. The larger your family may be, the more laundry you have to do, and that means a lot of water. Clearly, you need clean clothes, but by only doing full loads you can be sure that you’ll waste as little water as possible.

A full washing machine should make you happy, as it lets you know that you are taking a prudent step in saving water. The fact that most households do hundreds of loads of laundry every year makes Water Reducing Tip Five one that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Combine these tips and do so consistently, and over the course of a year, you’ll save a tremendous amount of money. By being creative and thinking through your water usage issues, you can save both a tremendous amount water and see huge financial savings as well. All of us have to work together to preserve our precious water resources. Implement these five tips and you’ll know that you are contributing to preserve precious water resources.

5 Steps for Lowering Your Energy Bill
Posted by April 25, 2015 at 5:51 PM under Alternative Energy Home Living Tips

invest to energy concept - euro in bulb - piggybankYour energy bill isn’t fixed in stone. All too often homeowners believe that there is little they can do to lower their monthly utility bill. Luckily, this is not the situation, as there are many steps that one can take to lower energy bills. If you are looking for a dynamic way to save big every month, then we have some great tips that will help you save even more than you may have imagined. Let’s dive in and explore five great tips designed to help you reduce your spending. Maybe you’ll actually feel a little joy when you open that envelope every month!

Energy Saving Tip Number One-Insulation
Insulation might seem a bit pricey upon first glance, but there is no denying that it is worth it. The more energy you consume on a monthly basis, the more worthwhile and cost savings an invest insulation becomes. There are plenty of options when it comes to insulation, and the good news is that you don’t have to opt for a potentially damaging and toxic chemical based insulation to get the job done.

House wrapped in a scarf isolated on whiteOptions such as blue jean and wool insulation are both people and planet friendly. These insulation options work very well and come from either recycled or renewable options.

Taking the time to insulate previously un-insulated areas, such as crawl spaces and roofs, can really pay off. Old insulation can also be a major source of energy loss. The simple fact is that insulation just doesn’t last forever and does need to be replaced. Additionally, insulation is unlike almost any other home improvement in that it starts paying for itself almost as soon as it is installed. If you want lower energy bills and a lower carbon footprint, then you’ll want to install insulation sooner than later.

Energy Saving Tip Number Two-Energy Star Appliances

586px-Energy_Star_logoEnergy Star appliances are another worthwhile investment. This is particularly true if you have old appliances. Old appliances are tremendous energy users and can really hit you in your wallet. That is, of course, the bad news, but the good news is that Energy Star appliances are affordable and will start paying for themselves immediately.

Another piece of good news is that there are numerous different kind of Energy Star appliances including refrigerators. It is important to pay attention to refrigerators due to the fact that refrigerators are always on and always using electricity. An old refrigerator can really send your energy bill soaring through the roof! If you can only select oneEnergy Star appliance, it might not be a bad idea to start with a refrigerator.


Energy Saving Tip Number Three-Windows and Doors

diagnostic de performance énergétiqueWindows and doors are notorious for leaking, and that means money is flowing out of your windows and doors. Heating or cooling air only to see it flow right out your windows and doors is depressing. Of course, replacing windows and doors can be extremely expensive.

If you can afford to replace old windows and doors, it is a good idea to do so. Older homes are usually in desperate need of new windows. When removing old windows from homes built before 1979, keep in mind that lead paint might be an issue. So look for window professionals that understand how to address the issue of windows with lead paint.

If replacing your windows and/or doors isn’t an option, there are still significant steps you can take. Modern windows are often double paned and come with other energy efficiency features. You can get some of these benefits through caulking and using plastic window treatments to keep cold or warm air from both escaping and making its way into your home. Usually the cost of this step is nominal, but the energy saving rewards can be nothing short of immense.

Energy Saving Tip Number Four-Turn Down Your Thermostat

A woman set the thermostat at house.You may have heard before that you should turn down your thermostat. The other tips on our list require some work, planning and various degrees of expense, but turning down your thermostat is as easy of a cost saving step, as you’ll ever see.

In a just a moment, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars every year. It isn’t necessary to invest in an expensive or fancy thermostat, although that can help. In the end, turning down your thermostat is all it takes to start saving.


Energy Saving Tip Number Five-Evaluate How You Use Your Space

Man sleeping in bed and holding a mobile phoneIf you are spending most of your time in just one or two rooms of your home, you may be able to turn your thermostat down and just heat and cool those key areas. This tip works particularly well for certain times of the day.

A portable heater or air conditioning unit can be a real money saver; after all, why heat or cool your entire home when you are sleeping? At night, a portable heating unit or air conditioner can help you save tremendously. Like turning down your thermostat, this is a simple but remarkably effective way to save money.

Together these five tips can completely transform your energy usage and, in the process, help you save a bundle. These five tips are also good for the planet and when used in conjunction with one another can produce impressive results. Using less energy means a lower carbon footprint, and that is something we can all get excited about!

7 Factors to Consider When Selecting a Green House Cleaning Service
Posted by April 19, 2015 at 1:55 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

house cleaning serviceThe decision to select a green house cleaning service is a prudent one. There are plenty of cleaning services, but cleaning services are not all created equally.

A great cleaning service can simplify your life by providing you with one less thing to think about and, in the process, helping you to free up your life! However, most cleaning services use industrial strength cleaners. The reason for this is very simple in that industrial strength cleaners are the most widely available. Why? There is a common misconception that super powerful chemicals are what is need for every cleaning job. Yet, in reality, nothing could be further from the truth – ¬odds are that your home only needs natural cleaners to get the job done.

Natural cleaning products may be more expensive, but the benefits are enormous. For example, with natural cleaning products, you don’t have to worry about exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals. The chemicals found in a range of household cleaners have been linked to a shockingly wide array of diseases and conditions, including cancer, organ damage, respiratory issues and more.

Green cleaning is the way to go! But what are some of the key factors in selecting a green cleaning service? Let’s dive in and explore some of the key factors you’ll want to consider.

Green House Cleaning Service Factor One-Look for More Than Lip Service

Carbon footprint in grassA lot of cleaning services will claim that they provide green cleaning, but what does that mean? Oftentimes when one explores a house cleaning service in more depth, what is learned is that the cleaning services might not be all that green.

It is important that you pay close attention to exactly what green cleaning services are provided. What does the house cleaning service state that it provides on its website? Are all of its cleaning services green or only one part? A partial commitment to green cleaning should worry you as you’ll never know exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Look for a green house cleaning service that is deeply committed to green cleaning.

Green House Cleaning Service Factor Two-The Philosophy

It’s time to ask questions. What is the philosophy of a prospective green cleaner? Why have they selected to become a green cleaner?

A green home cleaning service should truly believes in the value of green products; this means that they will understand both how green cleaning products can protect the planet and human health. If you want great results, you’ll want to work with a company that has a real green philosophy and stands behind it. In other words, be on the lookout for companies that are just paying lip service to the importance of “going green.”

Green House Cleaning Service Factor Three-What Cleaners Do They Use and Why?

Gloved Hands Cleaning Stove Top Range with Spray bottle and MicrIt is prudent to ask a prospective house cleaning service what green cleaners they have selected and why. How a cleaning service answers these questions will tell you a great deal about how committed and knowledgeable a given company is the process of green cleaning. If they don’t have a green cleaning product in mind for every cleaning occasion, you might want to look elsewhere.

Green House Cleaning Service Factor Four-What Green Cleaning Products are Mentioned?

Selecting a house cleaning service means understanding what cleaning products are used. Do they talk about their approach on their website? If not, perhaps they have literature prepared they can give you.  A cleaning service should clearly outline what products it uses and for why.

Green House Cleaning Service Factor Five-Use Yelp! and Search the Internet for Reviews

yelpIn selecting a green house cleaning service, it makes sense to research the company online and read Yelp! and Angie List reviews. This is a prudent investment that may very well save you many headaches in the long run. If you’ve received a personal referral from a friend or relative, all the better!

Green House Cleaning Service Factor Six-Carefully Evaluate Results

Senior Woman RefusingUpon hiring a green house cleaning service, keep a watchful eye during the first few appointments. Are you smelling chemicals? If you smell chemicals or harsh smells, then the odds are good that your green cleaning service isn’t so clean after all.

Also, be on the lookout against for companies that use the “green cleaning” label as an excuses to not clean. Some companies may attempt to use the excuse that green cleaners “are just not that effective,” to explain a lack of cleaning. Green cleaners are extremely effective for cleaning the average home. Don’t let your green house cleaner pretend otherwise.

When evaluating your green house cleaner, be sure that you are getting your money’s worth. In short, you shouldn’t let your green house cleaner cut corners just because they are going green.

Green House Cleaning Service Factor Seven-Ask for References

Any good business will be able and eager to provide you with references. When you ask for references, they should be provided to you promptly. If your green house cleaner can’t provide you with references in a timely fashion, then how good of a job can you expect them to do on your home? Again, any good business is ready to provide solid references. Just remember to follow up and check those references!

home cleaningFinding a reliable green house cleaner is worth the time. Most house cleaners use a variety of unnecessarily powerful and harmful chemicals to clean. The last thing you want is to expose you and your family to these chemicals. The bottom line is that green house cleaners can be extremely effective. Do your homework, ask plenty of questions, and you’ll get great results.

Do You Need to Hire a House Cleaner or Can You Do It All Yourself? The Pros and Cons
Posted by April 12, 2015 at 5:48 PM under Home Living Tips

SWoman Cleaning Homeo you have a dirty house? Don’t worry almost everyone else does as well. If you are like most people you’ve probably wondered about or at least dreamed of hiring a house cleaner. Cleaning is messy business, and it is no surprise that most of us don’t want to handle cleaning our own homes. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of hiring a house cleaner. What might look like a pretty straightforward proposition to consider turns out to be a bit more complex than first glance might indicate.

Hiring a House Cleaner Pro Number One-Time

There is no denying that hiring a house cleaner should save you a considerable amount of time. Depending upon the size of your home, house cleaning can be a laborious and time-consuming affair. Hiring a house cleaner is a surefire time-saver. Just imagine what you can do with all the time you saved not cleaning your home in just one year! The hours add up considerably especially over the course of not just a year but a lifetime. So it might be in your best interest to seriously consider a home cleaning service!

Hiring a House Cleaner Pro Number Two-A Cleaner Home

cleaningYou may discover that when you hire a house cleaner that your home gets cleaner. One reason for this fact is that you may tend to procrastinate. It’s okay we all do it, especially when it comes to housework. Hiring a house cleaner is an easy way to keep your house cleaner. Who doesn’t like the sounds of that?

There are tangible benefits to having a cleaner home. A cleaner home, for example, can lead to improved health. If you want to reduce your chances of catching a cold or flu then keeping your home clean is a good place to start.

Hiring a House Cleaner Pro Number Three-One Less Thing to Think About

young stressed angry pissed off woman driving car annoyedFeeling overworked and overstressed? Opting for a house cleaner is one of the easiest ways to reduce your stress level. Cleaning is time consuming and, for most people, either an annoying or even stressful activity. Bypassing cleaning altogether serves to give you one less thing to think about. Those looking to simplify their lives will probably feel as though hiring a house cleaner is a pretty solid idea.

Hiring a House Cleaner Pro Number Four-A Must for Larger Homes

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAIf you have a larger home, then hiring a home cleaner might be a no-brainer. No one wants to spend the entire weekend cleaning. Those with larger homes may discover that the only way to keep his or her home clean on a regular basis is to opt for a home cleaning service.

Hiring a House Cleaner Con Number One-Money

The money issue and hiring a house cleaner is a bit tricky. On one hand, it is true that a hiring a house cleaner means less money in your pocket, but not always. If you are an entrepreneur or are fighting burnout, then cleaning your home may be an unnecessary strain. How valuable is your time? Can you afford a house cleaner? These are questions that you must answer before hiring a house cleaner.

Hiring a House Cleaner Con Number Two-No Guarantees

cleaning ladyWhen you hire a house cleaner, there are no guarantees that the job will get done right. You may have to try out several house cleaners before finding one that you feel is doing a good enough job; this could be an annoying and stressful process.

You can clean your home yourself and it might be the right call for you. Again, it all depends on your own unique situation and your priorities. Whether you opt for a home cleaning service or to handle your own cleaning, it is important that you may sure you go green.

Develop a System and Stick to It!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIf you do opt for cleaning a home yourself there are steps you can take to ensure that the process is more efficient and ecofriendly. First, only use natural cleaning supplies and you should expect this if you hire a cleaning service as well. Next, it is vital that you develop a system so that you can be more efficient and stick to it each and every week.

For example, if you want to clean your own home try to set aside just five or ten minutes a day and tackle a given room or area. This is a small change, but it can have a big impact in terms of keeping your home clean. If you discover that you are having trouble being efficient with your cleaning activities, create a chart and stick to that chart! You may even want to get a chore board so that you can see what needs to be done on a given day.

The Hybrid Approach

Finally there is a hybrid approach. You may discover that the option that works the best for you is to clean for five or ten minutes a day and then have a home cleaner on a limited basis. This approach is more budget friendly and might proven manageable even for those with a busy schedule. Finding which approach is right for you may require a little experimentation, but life is short and your time is valuable. Isn’t it worth investing the time to find how you can clean less and live more?

5 Alarming Facts About Chemicals Used for Cleaning
Posted by April 05, 2015 at 8:38 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

home cleaningThere may be a big surprise lurking in your home. Many common household cleaners can be packed with dangerous and harmful chemicals. Sadly, the idea that household cleaners can be dangerous is not a myth, but is in fact quite real and quite true. How these products, which are often clearly labeled as dangerous or even poisonous, have stayed on the market is a mystery. Many of these chemicals have been proven to be toxic for families and yet they still remain on store shelves and are used every day in homes and around children. In this article, we are going to explore five alarming facts regarding chemicals used in homes for cleaning.

Alarming Fact Number One-They are Everywhere

toxic vintage orange seal isolated on whiteIt might sound a little alarmist to state that harmful chemicals are everywhere. But in the world of home cleaning products, it isn’t an overstatement. Unless you are carefully seeking out products that are safe and labeled “organic,” or “nontoxic” or address their safety in some other way, then you are likely dealing with a chemical based product and that product may be dangerous. In fact, many household cleaners contain chemicals, such as formaldehyde.

Alarming Fact Number Two-Air Quality Issues

Proteggersi dall'inquinamento atmosfericoIf you often feel that cleaning products often smell dreadful, you are not alone. The toxic compounds found in household cleaners smell toxic often for the simple reason that they are toxic! Whether it is formaldehyde or ammonia or a range of other products, you can expect your indoor air quality to suffer.

Ammonia is so well known that many people believe that it must be safe. This is an understandable but completely inaccurate understanding of the chemical. Ammonia may cause organ damage, including liver damage. Ammonia is serious stuff, and it is found is a surprisingly diverse array of cleaning products. Yes, it works, but the price tag may be a high one! The best option is to simply avoid chemical cleaning products so as to boost your indoor air quality.

A decrease in air quality has been linked to an increase in diseases and even lower I.Q.’s in children. The right move is to steer clear! Researchers have discovered over 100 different VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, in cleaning products. These compounds make their way into the air where they are not only breathed in, but make their way into our food and drink. Here is a truly shocking fact: you may be eating and drinking whatever you clean with so pick very wisely!

Alarming Fact Number Three-Chemical Fragrances are Not Your Friend

There are thousands of chemicals used in cleaning products for fragrance purposes. Companies work hard to give their products a “distinctive” smell and, sadly, those distinctive smells are often toxic smells as well. Phthalates are a particularly serious problem. Phthalates have become quite ubiquitous in our society, as they are in everything from cleaners to laundry detergents. There are numerous problems with phthalates including lowering sperm counts.

Alarming Fact Number Four-It Gets Worse

まゆだまAs if all of this wasn’t bad enough, it does get worse. How does it get worse? There are some seriously bad chemicals out there, and they have made their way into your home. While chemicals such as formaldehyde are fairly well known and get a lot of attention, there are other lesser known, but widely used chemicals that are downright scary! A great example of this is paradichlorbenzene. Now that might not sound too familiar, but this is a key ingredient in mothballs. If you have mothballs, get rid of them. Paradicholorbenzene has been linked to a range of organ damage.

Like cooking? Hate food sticking to your pans? You may have done what millions of other people have done over the years and opted for polytetrafluoroethylene also known as PTFE. PTFE is what makes Teflon pans non-stick. When heated, PTFE releases toxic gases that have been linked to cancer, organ problems and more.

Alarming Fact Number Five-You May Be Surrounded


It isn’t just floor cleaning products, toilet bowl cleaners, cleaning sprays and other household cleaning products. The facts are that the problem extends outside of your home as well. If you are using weed killers, then you are likely exposing yourself to insecticides and herbicides.

One very problematic example is Round-Up. Round-Up is very popular and has been aggressively marketed; however, it is feared that Round-Up may cause organ damage and other health problems.

Together these five alarming facts might not paint a very cheery picture. However, there is much that you can do to avoid harmful chemicals in and around your home. The first step is to make no assumptions. Unless you know for certain what is in a given product, do not use it. Secondly, if a product has an odd odor, don’t use it. Third, always be on the lookout for a natural cleaning product alternative. The war on germs has gotten a little out of control in the last few decades; antibacterial products have for example led to stronger germs.

The odds are excellent that you don’t need the ultra-powerful “kill them all” type chemical cleaners that populate most store shelves. Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemon and other natural cleaners worked very well. Our ancestors, after all, survived long before weed killers and chemical cleaners. There is every reasons to believe that we can keep the germs at bay without having to harm our health.

The 5 Best Ways to Go Organic
Posted by March 28, 2015 at 2:32 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

Detox Diet FoodOrganic farming differs considerably from what has become known as “conventional” farming. It is very important to note that organic farming was the only form of farming for thousands of years. “Conventional” farming which relies heavily on chemicals, petroleum products and pesticides couldn’t be much more different from organic farming techniques. Organic farming also refrains from using genetically modified organisms. Growth hormones are not used on animals.

Organic farming uses crop rotations and natural pest control. However, while definitions do vary, organic farming does allow for the use of some biological based herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. That stated, in general organic farming is considered to be much safer than conventional, chemical-based farming. In recent years, the interest in organic farming has skyrocketed and today it represents a massive and quickly growing sector of the food industry.

So let’s explore the five best ways to go organic. Going organic has a range of important benefits as organic food works to protect the soil, introduce less chemicals into the environment, and it is healthier for humans and animals all at the same time. Those looking to make the organic switch will find that they have ample options.

Tip #1 for Going Organic-Make a Commitment to Organic Produce

fruitIt may feel impossible to tackle switching to organic overnight, but one of the best places to begin is with your produce. Fruits and vegetables often receive a truly amazing amount of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Opting for organic produce is an easy way to reduce this consumption. If you are looking to make the switch to organic, this is a key place to begin.

Selecting organic produce and then making a commitment to eat more fruits and vegetables is a tasty and easy way to “go organic.”

Tip #2 for Going Organic-Change Where You Shop

groceryWhere you shop for groceries often dictates what you ultimately purchase. If your grocery store doesn’t provide you with adequate choices for organic produce and other organic products, then you should switch grocery stores. Not only may you need to switch where you shop for groceries, but you may also want to experiment. By checking out different grocery stores, you may find different organic food options.

While one of the best ways to boost your overall health is to eat more fresh foods and keep processed foods at a minimum or eliminate them altogether it is possible to find some healthy organic packaged foods. Going to different stores that carry organic foods will increase your chances of finding such foods, just remember to read your labels. An organic label doesn’t mean the same thing as healthy; for example, many processed organic foods are still packed with sugar and lots of calories. The organic label isn’t a free pass to eat whatever you like!

Tip #3 for Going Organic-Consider Shopping Online

Quite often people don’t make the switch to organic due to the increased prices. There is, however, one way to take some of the sting out of organic food prices. You can save a considerable amount of money by buying in bulk online. You can also find ample options for organic prepackaged foods on big websites like and  You can also place bulk food orders through your local grocery store that sells organic food.

This strategy does, of course, take some planning and strategy, but the payoff could be as much as a ten-percent savings on your bulk items. Additionally, if you are good at managing your money, you might want to consider buying your groceries using a credit card that gives you a percentage of your spending back to further reduce your grocery bill.

Tip #4 for Going Organic-Your Local Co-op

Co-ops can be great ways to get into organic and make the big organic switch. Co-ops not only offer competitive prices, but also often have discount days or incentives for members. By joining a co-op, you can save money on your organic groceries while learning tips from other co-op members.

Tip #5 for Going Organic-Organic Recipes

cookbookIf you want to go organic and never look back, then dive into your recipe book. Organic food can taste great. Getting the most out of your organic food means creating great tastes. While you can enjoy organic food without taking the time to try out new recipes, it is also true that discovering new recipes will help you stay motivated to make the switch to organic food.

Dealing with the Price Difference

A lot of attention is given to the price difference between organic and food grown using chemicals and artificial ingredients; however, the price between items varies wildly. Items such as bananas, potatoes and green tea are very similar in price. If you have a tight food budget you can still switch to a partially organic diet by being strategic in what you buy.

Strategically “Going Organic” to Avoid the Highest Concentrations of Pesticides

farmingIt is also important to keep in mind that some conventionally grown items are worse than others in terms of pesticide content. Soft fruits, such as peaches and strawberries, receive many times more pesticides than items such as avocadoes. If you are looking to make the switch to organic in part to cut down your pesticide exposure, then a few minutes of internet research will give you a nice outline of which foods are on the “never buy conventional” list.

Ultimately, switching to organic should be easy. Virtually any product you want is available in organic form. Today there are not only plenty of organic options, but also those options are readily available!