How Green Is Your Laundry?

Laundry SetToday our focus continues to turn toward “green” solutions when trying to lessen our day-to-day carbon footprint.  We are constantly on the look out for way to save money while also reducing our impact on our fragile environment. When examining our home, the laundry rack room is a great place to start.

We have searched the internet and found some suggestions that will help you achieve those goals.

  • Don’t Overuse Detergent

Be sure and read your labels carefully because most detergents today have been concentrated so you do not need to use as much to get your clothes clean.  Some detergents are also available in single-use versions.  You might want to have another option, for smaller loads, on hand.  Both offer less packaging and lower water usage in manufacturing.  Follow directions to the letter to insure the best results and you will also stretch your dollar.

    eco friendly

  • Recycle!

Most laundry product packaging is recyclable and considering the waste generated, recycling is a smart choice.  The more we recycle, the less plastic that ends up in the landfill.  Check with your local recycler to find out how to prepare this plastic, ie: rinse the bottle of all soap, separate different plastics such as the bottle and the lid, etc.

  • Consider “Green” Dry Cleaning

A recent Wall St. Journal online article researched the new “green” dry cleaners that are popping up.  Is it really possible for dry cleaning to be environmentally friendly?  Apparently there are differences in how each operation (or franchise) practices green dry cleaning but, with some research, you should be able to find a cleaner who is doing all they can to protect the environment while still providing a high level of service. Some trial and error may be necessary.  One main concern would be with the use of certain chemicals such as “perc” (perchloroethylene), which is a hazardous air pollutant and possible human carcinogen.  Most cleaners are moving away from the use of this chemical, but check first.

These are just a few of the many ideas we found and more are being shared every day.  We pride ourselves in keeping up with the latest “green” practices in our industry.  Please contact us if you would like to learn more.

Posted by Tobin Dimmitt August 11, 2012 at 7:24 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

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