Seven Often Overlooked Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Many people feel that the “whole carbon footprint thing” is mysterious and confusing. While there is no doubt that the topic can become someone complex, at the core reducing our carbon footprint can be surprisingly simple.


How much energy you use, especially from polluting and non-renewable sources, determines in part, how much of an impact you are having on the world. Climate change is real, and the consequences of climate change will become ever more evident in the years to come.


Recently, studies have shown that the insect population has dropped by as much as 75%. While those of us who are not biologists or environmental scientists don’t think about the importance of insects in the food chain, they play a simply enormous role. Climate change is really slowly evolving into more of a story of environmental devastation and destruction. Yes, that is bleak, but there are small steps you can take to help the environment.


Lowering your carbon footprint doesn’t have to be mysterious or complex. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways that you might have missed that you can do to easily lower your carbon footprint.


Idea #1 – Fly Less Often

Flying is one of the single biggest and quickest ways to send your carbon print through the ceiling! This should come as no surprise as it takes a lot of energy to get a plane off the ground and fly it through the air at roughly 500 miles per hour with a couple of hundred people on board. Commercial aircraft are true energy hogs and the less you can use them the better.


If you are trying to go a relatively short distance, consider driving or taking a train. After all, you’ll get to see the sights from the ground. When you subtract the time it takes to drive to the airport, park, go through security and deal with possible delays, you may very well find the time difference is not as dramatic as you think.


Idea #2 – Buy an Electric Car and Solar Roof as Soon as Possible

This tip is definitely looking into the future. Electric cars are not just yet for everyone, and solar roofs are still cost prohibitive. However, the future is changing and fast. Soon electric car performance will exceed that of traditional gasoline powered cars in every way, and solar roofs and solar power systems are poised to drop dramatically in price.


Once solar roofs are cheap enough the day could come when you could say goodbye to your gasoline powered car, which is definitely harming the environment, and opt for an electrical power car that is solar fueled. Making this big switch will serve to dramatically lower your carbon footprint and excitingly enough this change is closer than many may believe!


Idea #3 – Never or Rarely Drink Bottled Water

Bottled water isn’t just expensive, but it is also very wasteful. In fact, most bottled water is really just slightly purified tape water. Investing in your own water purifier and a rubberized glass bottle is a great way to save money while lowering your carbon footprint.


Idea #4 – Eat Local Food


Where one lives can play a factor in how much local food one can consume. For example, it is much easier to “eat locally” if you live in Oregon or California than it is if you live in Hawaii. Yet, for most people in most markets it is possible to eat at least some locally grown food. Remember that the longer food has to travel the greater its carbon footprint.


Idea #5 – Eat Less Animal Protein

It takes a lot of energy and a lot of water to grow beef, pork and chicken. Simply cutting back on animal protein and getting more of your animal protein from free-range eggs, will help you cut your carbon footprint. Again, anything you do to interact with the environment will have an impact.


No one is saying that you have to trade in your hamburgers for cricket paddies, which may be a food of the future, but going vegetarian or vegan for one meal a day or one day a week will help you lower your carbon footprint.


Idea #6 – Buy Local Products

Buying local products may be one of the easiest ways to lower your carbon footprints. Just as eating local foods lowers your carbon footprint the same holds true for buying local products. When you opt to buy a local product, you are not just helping to stimulate the local economy but are also reducing carbon emissions.


Idea #7 – Eliminate One Bath or Shower a Week


If you go to the gym every single day, then this tip might not work for you. But most people don’t work out quite so much and they really may not need as many showers as they take. The simple fact is that showering uses considerable water and, unless you are taking cold showers, a lot of energy as well. Eliminating just one shower a week, or 52 showers a year could really help lower both your carbon footprint and your water bill too!

Of course, in addition to these overlooked ideas, there are the obvious ones as well. For example, bring a canvas bag when you go grocery shopping and try to walk and/or bike as much as possible.



Biking and walking are not just good for the planet, but they are also good for your health as well. Scientific studies have shown a clear link between walking and improved brain health. If you want to be smarter, more alter and feel better then walking is an easy, safe and low-impact way of achieving this goal.

You can be sure that there are plenty of other ways to lower your carbon footprint as well. Whenever you use energy, you are increasingly your carbon footprint. There are many exciting technologies on the horizon, such as carbon sequestering that can remove carbon from the air, but we can’t rely on these still unproven technologies which may or may not be profitable and scalable. Instead, we all have to find ways to help take the pressure off the planet we live on and love.

Posted by November 05, 2017 at 4:31 PM under Environment Home Living Tips

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