Laundry Hampers – Great Styles Available Posted by Gary N → October 13, 2010 at 6:00 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry Laundry hampers don’t sound like a stylish piece of laundry equipment. However, today there are many great styles available. In fact, many don’t even look like a hamper at all. You can easily buy an option that can be incorporated into your home décor. When you looking for a stylish option, color is something you’ll want to consider. You’ll need a color that compliments the area where you will be placing this hamper. If it’s going in your bathroom, go with a laundry hamper that matches the design and colors in place. Maybe you are putting it in a general area where you have a lot of wood, such as your master bedroom. In this cases, warm wickers in colors like beige or a wood grain can make a classy addition. When you are going to put hampers in the kid’s room, go with bright colors that correspond to their room colors. Other than color, size is going to be important when you are going for a stylish laundry hamper. If you have a smaller area available, go for a tapered hamper that won’t take up a lot of room. Larger options can be used if you have a large home and you want to show off the décor your hamper adds to a room. Using laundry hampers that compliment the existing furniture in a room is a great idea. Woods like willow and wicker are beautiful and will look good with many types of furniture. As you can see, your hamper doesn’t have to be ordinary. You can be imaginative and enjoy some of the great styles out there that add to your home décor. All you need is a bit of imagination and you can have fun with this choice. 0 Comments
Can The fight Against Clothes Line Bans Really Be Won? Posted by Gary N → October 13, 2010 at 1:41 AM under News and Events I found a recent excellent article in the BBC News magazine by Tom Geoghegan, that discussed the whole issue were are facing here in the US with clothes line bans. Here is a brief piece of the article which can be found in full at For decades, the clothes line has had an image problem in the US but, ahead of a rally to highlight the benefits of natural drying, is it about to be reclaimed? There is a new protest movement sweeping the US and at its heart are two sticks and a piece of string. Upon the humble clothes line, a battle line has been drawn that embodies a uniquely American clash of ideas about class, liberty and the environment. Rules imposed by community associations and landlords forbid tens of millions of home owners to dry their washing outside because, they say, it’s unsightly and even lowers property prices. But a number of clothes line rebels have risked legal action by disobeying these rules, saying it is the duty of Americans to reduce their carbon footprint and leave their energy-hungry tumble dryers idle. This Sunday their supporters will make their feelings known by holding a rally in Concord, New Hampshire to promote line drying. These unlikely dissenters come in all ages and from all backgrounds. After moving to Witney Ridge in Pennsylvania nearly three years ago, Deborah Brensinger, a 55-year-old nurse, immediately began hanging her clothes in her back yard. “Our government is trying to encourage working with the environment and doing things to cut down electricity, yet here’s something totally free. “I get to see my neighbours, it’s clean and it smells good. It’s a contemplative practice. I don’t rush it, I enjoy it. It relieves stress. You can do it leisurely at your own pace, in a world that’s so fast-paced.” What are your thoughts on clothes line bans here in the US? It pretty clear we love clothes lines, however we just cant understand why they need to be banned and why so many HOA are on board. 0 Comments
What is a Laundry Sorter and How it Can Help Posted by Sally → October 12, 2010 at 6:00 PM under Clotheslines and Laundry Many people end up with laundry chaos in their home, making it difficult to even know what is clean and what is dirty. This is definitely not an effective way to sort your clothing. One great solution to the chaos in your bathroom is purchasing a laundry sorter. The sorter is basically designed to help you sort clothing before it’s time to wash it. Rolling Urban Triple Sorter, Chrome/White Usually a laundry sorter has two to four different sections in it. This allows you to keep clothing in separate compartments when you first take it off. You can separate by whites, lights, and darks, or you can come up with a different sorting system of your own. You may even want to have a section available for items that are dry clean only or delicate. The benefit of a laundry sorter is that it takes the frustrating of having to go through piles of clothing later on trying to sort them. You get everything all sorted out throughout the week. Then when it is time to do laundry, you can easily throw in the loads, since they are already sorted for you. It definitely makes the process a lot easier and faster for you. There are some laundry sorters that have permanent compartments, while others use canvas bags for the compartments. The bags are preferable, since you can easily take them out and wash them as well. Sometimes you’ll even find sorters that come with labels on them so you can label each compartment for the type of clothing that is supposed to go in it. You’ll definitely find that a sorter can get you organized making that laundry day a lot easier for you.
Drying For Freedom – Will This Film Finally Make People Stand Up and Take Notice? Posted by Gary Nickless → October 12, 2010 at 3:17 AM under News and Events Below is a brief excert and trailer for a new film that is being put together around drying laundry and clothes with a clothesline…please take the time to watch the trailer and leave a comment as it certainly makes a compelling statement. “A conflict is raging in the US. Protests, political movements and murder have taken place in the name of an unlikely ideal: clotheslines. Tens of millions of individuals across Northern America are banned from outdoor line drying by the very communities they live in, forcing them to turn to the dryer. Homeowners who break the rules are fined, sued and even foreclosed on. This ban is not only infringing on civil rights, it’s contributing to the environmental and energy crisis. The dryer is responsible for 6% of the average household’s energy bill and it costs residential ratepayers in the US an estimated $5 billion annually. Corporate America has sold the dryer and the consumption of electricity as a status symbol, and now they have their eyes on a much bigger prize – the world.” Our future is hanging on the line. for more info on this movie you can checkout their website at 0 Comments
Tips for Purchasing a General Laundry Hamper Posted by Gary N → October 11, 2010 at 3:31 AM under Clotheslines and Laundry Oak Lattice Hamper from Household Essentials If you have a family, the laundry can turn to epic proportions before you know it. This is where a good laundry hamper can help. Of course, when you are purchasing a hamper, there are many to choose from. You need to consider where you’ll put it and how you do your laundry when making your decision. Here are a couple suggestions that will help you choose a suitable general laundry hamper for your needs. Location, Location Location is definitely going to be important when you are choosing your laundry hamper. Will it be in a visible area? If so, going with one that is decorative can keep things looking nice. However, if you have an area where you store the hamper, choosing a less expensive option is fine. Who is Using It? If you have a family that will be using the laundry basket, you want something that is sturdy so it can hold up to a lot of clothing. Usually it’s a good idea to make sure you can easily carry it as well if there are going to be a lot of clothes in it. The nested Double Sorter TableHow Much Space is Available? Maybe you don’t have a lot of room in your home, apartment, or your dorm room. There are smaller options that work well in small spaces. Collapsible options are easy on space. Another idea is one that will hang on the back of a door. This way it doesn’t take up precious floor space. Style Of course, many people like to keep style in mind so they have a laundry hamper that isn’t an eye sore. Keep in mind your décor and look for a hamper that will appeal to your sense of style and the décor you already have in place. To find out more about our hamper products please click the following link Laundry Hampers 0 Comments
Williamstown COOL Committee initiative urges homeowners to hang their laundry outside Posted by Gary N → October 07, 2010 at 7:31 PM under News and Events In the ongoing fight for laundry line freedom, the people of Williamstown are standing up to the fight. Here is a brief excert from a great article from STEPHEN DRAVIS and the Adovacte and you can read the full article here “There are all kinds of high-tech, high-pricetag steps you can take to make your home more energy-efficient. And then there is the simplest, cheapest, most common sense step that is taken by far too few Americans. It is an activity that your grandmother certainly engaged in and your grandchildren probably will, and it is as easy as stepping into your backyard. It’s hang-drying your laundry. ” Keep up the fight Williamstown as its well worth it! If you have a comment please leave it below. tourism online 0 Comments